YouTube channels of interest

YouTube channels that are worth subscribing for Ahmadis in particular. The channels owners generally upload videos that are of Ahmadiyya interest.

Please make a habit of clicking like buttons below YouTube videos and commenting on videos that are positively related to our community (and disliking false propaganda).

Note: not all videos in these channels have to do with Ahmadiyyat and should be viewed with due caution 

AhmadiyyaUSA: Just two videos. One with and intro to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (AMC) by spokesman Mr. Harris Zafar.

AhmadiyyaUSA1: The channel contains media coverage of AMC in USA.

adabdost: Contains some precious videos including inauguration ceremony of MTA 24/7, someone posing Imran Khan a question about Ahmadis, Dawn News video where Talat Hussain is told about the honesty of Ahmadi businessmen.

ahmadc22: Videos that detail activities of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya USA and Humanity First USA.

akramkhalid: Interesting videos here including one of the first videos covering destruction of Kharian mosque.

To Be Continued …

1 reply

  1. Thanks to shamim sahib the you tube Ahmadiyya channels are really reliable and authoritative can be trusted but all the other you tube videos and channels are absolutely untrusted and sometimes are rubbish I will never suggest to follow these rubbish videos because just for the waste of times.

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