Science for the ummah – A Satire Piece

Source: Dawn

Author: Nadeem F. Paracha

Recently an enterprising Pakistani engineer claimed to have invented a car that is powered by water.

Excited by the news, Pakistan’s, nay, the whole Muslim ummah (and some North Korean’s) favourite scientist, Dr. Qadeem Khan, endorsed the invention and demanded that the automobile be called ‘Islamic car.’










Of course, there was the usual whining from liberal fascists/scum/extremists who ridiculed the glorious invention as a product of ‘pseudo-science’ and technical quackery.

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Categories: Asia, Pakistan

2 replies

  1. Do we see any Christian car? Or Budhist Car? Or any other religious electronic or any other device, invention in the market. I am really un aware of such, yet.
    It is ridiculous. And yet after all these big talks this Car may not be brought into the market or made available on “Islamic” presumably “affordable” prices. Because “Zabiha Halal ” is always more expensive in the market then the other meat, perhaps to test the faith of the Ummah.
    For God’s sake, let it just be a simple car and made available in the market for the betterment of whole mankind. This approach is much ” Islamic” then one may think. Muslim should come out of their cocoon of self appreciation and the feel of “chosen ones”. They should focus on real Islamic ways; to be beneficial for mankind. The appreciation and acknowledgement will follow automatically.

  2. I heard other stories about this car already. The scientist like dr hoodbhoy thinks its fake and its just the person did it for publicity or otherwise. Lets see what the future holds for these people.

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