
Abuse of Faith

Source: Houston Chronicle By Robert Downen, Lise Olsen, and John Tedesco Multimedia by Jon Shapley First of three parts Thirty-five years later, Debbie Vasquez’s voice trembled as she described her trauma to a […]

‘Through Our Ignorance, We Are Branding Everything Concerning Islam As Anti-Women’ Mumbai: In July 2018, when the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) announced its intention to expand a little-known 25-year-old network of around 50 darul qazas (counselling centres based on the teachings of sharia or Islamic law) to every Indian district, right-wing Hindu commentators were outraged. Meenakshi Lekhi, a Bharatiya Janata […]

Comparing faiths

Source: Dawn RELIGIOUS experience has been a profound phenomenon in human history in terms of holding beliefs, adopting a religious language, and interpreting the mundane and sacred. There is no one type of experience all religions universally acclaim, but a “variety of religious experiences”, as William James rightly demonstrates. Therefore, […]