Russian Church Leader: Smartphones Foreshadow The Arrival of The Antichrist

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill attends a welcoming ceremony after arriving at Minsk National Airport

Patriarch Kirill is the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Muslim Times has the best collection on religion & science. We also have the best collection for religion for personal and spiritual life as opposed to organized religion and on interfaith tolerance

Source: Huffington Post

The Russian Orthodox Church’s Patriarch Kirill claims the Antichrist is someone who will control humanity through the internet.

MOSCOW (AP) — The head of the Russian Orthodox Church says the data-gathering capacity of devices such as smartphones risks bringing humanity closer to the arrival of the Antichrist.

In an interview shown Monday on state TV, Patriarch Kirill said the church does not oppose technological progress but is concerned that “someone can know exactly where you are, know exactly what you are interested in, know exactly what you are afraid of” and that such information could be used for centralized control of the world.

“Control from one point is a foreshadowing of the coming of Antichrist, if we talk about the Christian view. Antichrist is the person who will be at the head of the world wide web that controls the entire human race,” he said.

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1 reply

  1. Used correctly, the smartphone can lead us to knowledge. It is like possessing 10 billion books in the palm of your hand.

    Unfortunate for us, it is instead being used for social media and spreading falsehoods in real time, allowing despotic people to manipulate others across societies globally with ease.

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