Why Donald Trump Can’t Kill the Truth

Source: Time


May 22, 2018
Morris is an Academy Award–winning filmmaker and the author most recently of The Ashtray (Or the Man Who Denied Reality).

How many times have I been asked: Is truth dead? Or at least, if truth as a concept has been hopelessly compromised? Many, many times. (Including by this very publication.) But truth is still with us and hasn’t been compromised — no matter how many people might insist that it doesn’t exist or is subject to endlessly diverse interpretations. There is one truth. Untruth, on the other hand…

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The Washington Post recorded 3,001 false or misleading claims made by President Donald Trump in his first 466 days in office. Is this just political in nature? Is it fake news? A gross misrepresentation?

Consider Trump’s April 28 campaign rally in Washington, Michigan. As the Post summarized, throughout the course of his 80-minute speech, the President made a variety of false claims that ranged from stating that Henry Ford invented the assembly line; to asserting that Franklin Delano Roosevelt served as president for 16 years; to boasting that a 2016 rally saw an audience about four times as large as it actually did; to saying he has “essentially” gotten rid of Obamacare; to complaining that the U.S. loses “about $500 billion” because of its trade deficit with China, even though the appropriate figure is about $300 billion and a trade deficit is not a win-lose statistic.

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