Pakistan Calls Army Into Besieged Capital Days Before Bond Sale

Source: Bloomberg

Pakistan’s federal government called in the army to help police control deadly Islamist protests in the capital city, just days before the nation attempts to push through a crucial overseas bond sale.

Army Chief Qamar Javed Bajwa

Photographer: Aamir Qureshi/AFP via Getty Images

Authorities fear escalating violence and the military deployment is a “preventive measure” after two policemen were killed and several people injured in clashes Saturday, Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal said by phone. The troops will be deployed in Islamabad and the adjacent city of Rawalpindi, which is where the army headquarters are based, he said.

Earlier on Saturday, army chief Qamar Javed Bajwa called Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi on the phone and suggested handling the protest peacefully, army spokesman Major General Asif Ghafoor said on Twitter. The government also suspended the broadcast of all non-state television channels as protests spread to other cities including second biggest Lahore and the financial hub of Karachi.

“We are aware of reports that the Pakistani government has taken action to block Twitter service, as well as other social media services, and that users are having difficulty using Twitter in Pakistan,” Twitter’s public policy team wrote on its account at about 10:30 p.m. in Islamabad. “We are monitoring the situation and hope service will be fully restored soon.”

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1 reply

  1. Hopefully King M. Salam successed to reform the ancient and violent teaching to modren Islam. Saudi Arabia fall into the hand of Reformer, in contrary, Pakistan will fall into the hand of Extremist leader.

    There is no peace in Pakistan and Islamic countries as long as The extremist Muslim exist among Islamic community.

    The sign or characteristic feature of extremist Islam as following:
    1. The main goal is to create or establish Syariah state where Quran and Hadith as the state of constitution. The Extremist Clerics is aganist the system democratic Seculare and against Human Right.

    2. The extremist Clerics forbid Sufi, Ahmadiyya’s existance. They accuse sufi, Ahmadiyyah Heresy / blasphemer / non Islam.

    3. The extremist Muslim hate and hostile toward Christian, Jews and other beliefs

    4. The extremist Clerics impose women to wear hijab or burqa, impose male to grow beard etc
    5, The extremist Clerics impose close all restaurant and shops in Friday. Impose muslim to pray shalat jumaat.
    6, The extremist Clerics impose people NOT join celebrating other religion such as: Thank giving day, Christmas, and others event that prophet did not do it.

    7. The extremist Clerics want to create all activities everyday life using the Islamic label such as:
    — Syariah school— Syariah Bank—Shariah dress—syariah grocery store— Halal Food—halal drink—halal cosmetic— Halal restaurant—-Halah Hambarger— Halal Macdonald etc.

    The main goal of using the Islamic label is to eliminate the non Muslim product, in other words to boycott Jews and Christians product and employee.

    Because the extremist Clerics is so hate Jews, and Christian since early times of prophet Muhammad pbuh.
    Sahih Muslim 33—”I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah”
    Sahih Muslim 4366—“ I will expel the Jews and Christian from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim”

    So the extremist Muslim are showing the hate / bad image of Islam to others.

    The educated Muslim such as Peaceful Muslim, Progressive Muslim, Sufi, Ahmadiyya who live in the advance countries hopefully together with non Islam can defeat the extremist ideology endlessly and speak up loudly.

    Otherwise they will come after us and defeat the peacefull Muslim and non Muslim as well on the ground like in : All Islamic countries.
    May Allah protect us from the evil extremist Muslim.

    Think a moment, !!what will be happen to Muslim employee who work at non Islam companies do the sama as The extremist Islam? The act of discrimination against other religion is unislamic, inhumanity.
    With ❤️

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