With Trump’s backing, House approves ban on abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy

Source: The Washington Post

 October 3
The House on Tuesday approved a bill banning most abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, advancing a key GOP priority for the third time in the past four years — this time, with a supportive Republican in the White House.

The bill, known as the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, is not expected to emerge from the Senate, where most Democrats and a handful of moderate Republicans can block its consideration. But antiabortion activists are calling President Trump’s endorsement of the bill a significant advance for their movement.

The White House said in a statement released Monday that the administration “strongly supports” the legislation “and applauds the House of Representatives for continuing its efforts to secure critical pro-life protections.”

Read more: https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/with-trumps-backing-house-approves-ban-on-abortion-after-20-weeks-of-pregnancy/2017/10/03/95c64786-a86c-11e7-b3aa-c0e2e1d41e38_story.html?utm_campaign=45cd56ed53-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_10_04&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Pew%20Research%20Center&utm_term=.37c7e540716c

Categories: America, The Muslim Times, USA

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