UK: Labour MP Siobhan McDonagh calls for banning the hate-group Khatme Nabuwwat for inciting violence against British Ahmadis


Siobhan McDonagh

A Labour MP has called for a hate-group to be banned after a Political Scrapbook story on how it was still encouraging the incitement of violence against British Ahmadis.

Siobhan McDonagh has written to the Home Secretary Amber Rudd calling for Khatme Nabuwwat to be banned.

The hate-group encourages violence against Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan and has a chapter operating in Britain too.

The group was also affiliated to the Muslim Council of Britain until recently. The MCB has not responded to messages from Political Scrapbook asking if it is still affiliated to KN [ see update at the end]

Yesterday, we revealed that Tanveer Ahmed, the Bradford man convicted of murdering Asad Shah for being an Ahmadi Muslim, is still inciting hatred from behind bars in Scotland.

In his message Tanveer Ahmed mentions the group and repeats its messages.

Khatme Nabuwwat, has been linked with leaflets calling on Muslims to kill Ahmadis.

Piles of the flyers, which say Ahmadis should face death if they refuse to convert to mainstream Islam, were displayed in Stockwell Green mosque.

The leaflet was authored by an ex-head of Khatme Nabuwwat, a group which lists the mosque as its “overseas office”.

The mosque and its leaflets were also the subject of a recent Radio 4 documentary.

In the last few months, a number of hate-preachers from Pakistan who incite hatred and violence against Ahmadis have been allowed into Britain.

Here is the letter from Siobhan McDonagh to the Home Secretary Amber Rudd.


siobhan mcdonagh ahmadis

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