Photos of the Hajj Sep 2016, one of largest pilgrimage

Nearly two million Muslim pilgrims have performed a symbolic stoning of the devil, the riskiest part of the annual hajj pilgrimage, a year after the ritual’s worst disaster in decades. Saudi Arabia has deployed thousands of security forces, civil defence staff and volunteers as well as modern technology including drones and electronic bracelets to ensure a safe pilgrimage.

Under close supervision from Saudi authorities, pilgrims in seamless white clothes, converged on Jamarat carrying the pebbles to perform the ritual from a three-storey bridge erected to ease congestion. In previous years, jostling to perform the stoning, before returning to pray at the Grand Mosque, accounted for many of the frequent stampedes and crushes that had afflicted hajj.

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Muslim pilgrims cast stones at pillars symbolising Satan, during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mina, near the holy city of Mecca, on Eid al-AdhaAhmed Jadallah/Reuters
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Muslim pilgrims cast stones at pillars symbolising SatanAhmed Jadallah/Reuters
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Muslim pilgrims arrive to throw pebbles at pillars in MinaAhmad Gharabli/AFP
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Muslim pilgrims walk on roads as they head to cast stones at pillars symbolising Satan during the annual hajj pilgrimage in Mina, near MeccaAhmed Jadallah/Reuters
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Muslim pilgrims arrive to throw pebbles at pillars during the Jamarat ritual symbolising the stoning of Satan, in Mina near the holy city of MeccaAhmad Gharabli/AFP
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Muslim pilgrims shave their heads after they cast stones at pillars symbolising SatanAhmed Jadallah/Reuters
Eid al-Adha
A pilgrim poses for a photo after having his head shaved to mark his participation in the symbolic stoning of the devilAhmad Gharabli/AFP

Saudi authorities have said that some 1.86 million Muslims from around the world are performing the pilgrimage at Islam’s holiest city. That is fewer than previous years, when up to three million pilgrims have attended. Authorities say disruption caused by expansion work and infrastructure projects in Mecca have combined with conflicts in the region to restrict the numbers.

Last year, Saudi Arabia said that nearly 800 pilgrims were killed when two large groups of pilgrims arrived together at a crossroads in Mina, a few kilometres east of Mecca, on their way to performing the stoning ritual at Jamarat. Counts by countries of repatriated bodies showed over 2,000 people may have died, more than 400 of them Iranians.

On Sunday (11 September), pilgrims prayed on Mount Arafat, a hill just outside Mecca. Prior to departing Mount Arafat back to Mina, they joined top Saudi officials in prayer at Namira Mosque, site of the last sermon by Prophet Muhammad some 1,400 years ago. Prayer on this day at Mount Arafat is believed to offer the best chance of erasing past sins and starting anew. Many Muslims who are not performing the hajj fast from dawn to dusk on this day, for similar reasons.

Many of the pilgrims taking part in this year’s hajj climbed a hill called Jabal al-Rahma, or mountain of mercy, in Arafat and spent time there in supplication. It was here where the Prophet Muhammad delivered his final sermon, calling for equality and for Muslims to unite. The hajj is a physically and emotionally exhausting experience, and this year temperatures soared to 108 degrees Fahrenheit (42C) in Arafat. Volunteers passed out water, juice and umbrellas to shade pilgrims from the sun.

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Pilgrims pray on Mount Arafat during the annual hajj pilgrimage, outside the holy city of MeccaAhmad Gharabli/AFP
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Muslim pilgrims pray on Mount Mercy on the plains of ArafatAhmed Jadallah/Reuters
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A woman prays on Mount Mercy on the plains of Arafat during the annual hajj pilgrimageAhmed Jadallah/Reuters
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Muslim pilgrims join one of the Hajj rituals on Mount Arafat near MeccaAhmad Gharabli/AFP
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A Muslim woman cries as she prays during the annual hajj pilgrimageAhmed Jadallah/Reuters
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A Muslim pilgrim prays on Mount Mercy on the plains of Arafat during the annual hajj pilgrimageAhmed Jadallah/Reuters
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A Muslim pilgrim reads the Quran, Islam’s holy book, on Mount Arafat near MeccaAhmad Gharabli/AFP
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Muslim pilgrims touch a rock on Mount Mercy on the plains of Arafat to receive blessingsAhmed Jadallah/Reuters
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Muslim pilgrims leave after they finished their prayers at Namira Mosque in ArafatAhmed Jadallah/Reuters
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Muslim pilgrims are sprayed with water on the plains of ArafatAhmed Jadallah/Reuters
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A Saudi official watches as Muslim pilgrims gather to perform noon and afternoon prayers at Namira Mosque southeast of MeccaAhmad Gharabli/AFP

The hajj is one of the world’s largest pilgrimages. It draws the faithful to the holy city of Mecca and areas around it for five intense days of rituals and prayers aimed at erasing past sins and drawing Muslims closer to God. The pilgrimage is required of all able-bodied Muslims to perform once in their lifetime.

To begin the hajj, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims circle the Kaaba in Mecca’s Grand Mosque. In a sign of humility and equality before God, the pilgrims shed symbols of materialism, entering a state of “ihram”. Women wear loose-fitting clothing and a head covering, with no makeup or perfume, while men dress in seamless, white terry cloth garments.

Hajj 2016
Aerial view of the Grand Mosque in MeccaAhmed Jadallah/ Reuters
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Muslim pilgrims circle Islam’s holiest shrine, the Kaaba, at the Grand Mosque in MeccaAhmad Gharabli/AFP
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Muslim pilgrims circle the Kaaba at the Grand Mosque in the Saudi holy city of MeccaAhmad Gharabli/AFP
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Pilgrims pray as they touch the Kaaba in Mecca’s Grand MosqueAhmad Gharabli/AFP
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Muslim pilgrims from all around the world touch the Kaaba at the Grand MosqueAhmad Gharabli/AFP

While following a route the Prophet Muhammad once walked, the rites of hajj are believed to ultimately trace the footsteps of the prophets Ibrahim and Ismail, or Abraham and Ishmael as they are named in the Bible.

Categories: Hajj, The Muslim Times

1 reply

  1. This year’s (1437) pilgrims were partly misled to stand on Mount Arafaat on the day following Arafa Day, instead of Arafa Day itself, so that they stand on the 11th September 2016 on which the 15th anniversary of the jewish “Trumpets Day” qabbaalistic attacks of 2001 is held. Thanks God, the qabbaala-jewish misleaders failed to bring the whole number of the moslem pilgrims, and a good number of them showed up on Arafaat on the right and the earlier day, the 10th September 2016. To try to lure some pilgrims into their 11th September trap-day, they artificially claimed that they couldn’t see through some clouds the new Helaal in Hautat Sodayr, instead of the religion-legal action of honestly gazing for the dhou-al’Hedjdja Helaal in Macca or its surroundings. Hautat Sodayr is completely a religion-illegal place to know the right start of the new lunar month in Bacca and its surroundings, since it is placed in an entirely different time-zone and some 900 kilometers away approximately !!!! – Allaah ya DJabbaar ya Montaqem, make their earthly punishment soon, for this crime was not small at all.

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