Celebrating 50th Anniverary of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s presence in Canada: #MobileMuslims 40-day campaign reaches Vermilion

Source: vermilionstandard.com

Mobile Muslims launch 40-day campaign

By Taylor Hermiston, Vermilion Standard

In celebration of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama at's 50th Anniverary in Canada, members of the congregation stopped in Vermilion in part of a cross-Canada tour spreading teaching of peace and love, in hope of changing their religion's stereotype on Saturday, August 13, 2016, in Vermilion, Alta. Taylor Hermiston/Vermilion Standard/Postmedia Network.

In celebration of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama at’s 50th Anniverary in Canada, members of the congregation stopped in Vermilion in part of a cross-Canada tour spreading teaching of peace and love, in hope of changing their religion’s stereotype on Saturday, August 13, 2016, in Vermilion, Alta. Taylor Hermiston/Vermilion Standard/Postmedia Network.

VERMILION, Alta. – In a mission to spread ‘Love for all, Hatred for none,’ the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at are traveling across Canada to present the true teachings of Islam.

Through a mobile exhibition called Mobile Muslims, members of the Jama`at, or community, will be driving coast-to-coast to spread the true, peaceful teachings of Islam and remove misconceptions about the religion.

That is one of two purposes of the campaign, according to Jama`at Missionary Tariq Azeem, who stopped with the campaign members in Vermilion, on Saturday, Aug. 13.

“There are many and false teachings associated with Islam, and we need to dispel them.”

As they travel across Canada, Canadians are encourage to ask questions with all levels of difficulty, as Azeem guarantees they will not judge those asking, nor be offended. They hope people will discuss what is on their mind, and in return receive an educated response.

“We are here for the purpose to educate people regarding our faith,” Azeem said. “We understand that if we understand each other, there might not be hatred and fear between one another.”

He hopes this campaign will bridge the gaps, and give the true meaning of Islam, Love for all, Hate for none.

I also want to clarify that Islam has nothing to do with extremism, or terrorism, or any of the actions terrorists are doing. Islam is a religion of peace and as mentioned, Islam teaches Love for all, Hatred for none. True Muslims would never do anything of the things that the terrorists are doing in the world.”

Mobile Muslim Omar Ahmed, of Lancaster, Ont., said the campaign has been well received so far, dispelling their thoughts of getting push back from the communities.

“A lot of people are coming by and saying they need more of us to do this,” he said.

“A lot of people have basic questions, while others more difficult, but we answer them all, and offered clarifications. Overall it has been amazing and so motivating that people are coming to us.”

Ahmed added that he is gaining a higher appreciation for Canadians as the trip goes on.

“I think that Canadians are a lot more open and liberal, and nicer, not that I didn’t think that before. But, I have a higher level or respect, warmth and hospitality.”

The other purpose of the campaign is to thank Canada and Canadians, as this campaign the fiftieth anniversary of the Jama`at in Canada.

“Our community has been here for 50 years, and we have enjoyed religious freedom in the country,” Azeem said. “That is the beauty of this country; every person that lives here is able to practice their faith freely.

The mobile exhibition will departed from St. John’s, Newfoundland and will travel across Canada to finish its journey in Vancouver, British Columbia. The journey is expected to last about 40 days and an exhibition will be set up in more than 25 Canadian towns and cities.

To follow along with the Mobile Muslims, follow their hashtag #MobileMuslims.


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