Al-Shabab’s Anti-Christian Slaughter

Source: The Daily Beast:
Just after midnight on December 2, about 20 gunmen from the Somali militant group Al-Shabab rousted awake miners sleeping in a tented camp at a quarry near the border town of Mandera. According to witnesses, the attackers separated the Muslims from the non-Muslims. Those unable to recite a passage from the Quran were made to lie face down and shot at close range, and at least two were reportedly beheaded.

Categories: Africa

1 reply

  1. When it was reported that during the 2013 Nairobi mall massacre that the terrorists had targeted Christians, the story was denied.
    With the latest killings, that fact can no longer be denied. Time and again Christians have been killed simply for their belief.
    Al-Shabab is conducting a jihad on the pretext that the Kenyan government has either occupied what they call Swahili muslim land or have attacked its enclave in Somalia.
    The world remains silent. But there would be hue and cry if one muhammadan were to be killed by a non muslim. Israel is a perfect example.

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