Selective outrage


The international community appears to be stepping up to the developing crisis in northern Iraq, one which the U.N. warned Wednesday had the potential to descend into “genocide”.

The U.S. is launching airstrikes against ISIS militants, as well as, with other countries, dropping much-needed humanitarian aid for the starving Yezidi refugees, and arming the Kurds – currently the last hope to slow down ISIS advances.

More and more governments and international leaders are joining the chorus of calls to combat the situation in Iraq.

If the international community is hesitant to attack the Assad regime, for whatever reasons, why is it only interested in targeting ISIS in Iraq?

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(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::

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1 reply

  1. The ‘humanitarian relief’ was just a cover for the air strikes. And notice the air strikes? They only happened when the territory of Kurdistan was in danger. When the attacks by ISIS were targetting Iraq no such action was taken.

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