UN can’t feed 1 million Syrian refugees

Wednesday 9 January 2013

GENEVA: The World Food Program said on Tuesday it is unable to help an estimated 1 million Syrians who are going hungry, blaming a lack of security in the war-stricken country.

This month, the agency aims to help 1.5 million of the 2.5 million Syrians whom the Syrian Arab Red Crescent says need food aid, spokeswoman Elisabeth Byrs said.

The poor security and the agency’s inability to use the Syrian port of Tartous for shipments means that a large number of people in the some of the country’s hardest hit areas will not get help, she said.

“Our main partner, the Red Crescent, is overstretched and has no more capacity to expand further,” Byrs said.

She also said that the agency has temporarily pulled its staff out of its offices in the Syrian cities of Homs, Aleppo, Tartous and Qamisly due to the rising dangers in those areas.


1 reply

  1. Should we laugh or cry? The UN cannot feed the Syrians because the port is closed? Are they not aware of the fact that a war is going on? Supplies could come in via Lebanon, using the Lebanese ports, or via Jordan, using Aqaba port.

    Inefficiency at its peak. The ‘Lords of Poverty’ contemplating what they cannot do holed up in 5 star hotels and getting ‘hazard pay’ and DSA (daily subsistence allowance) in addition to their not all that small salaries…

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