Syria: What are we missing?

globalpost: by Jean MacKenzie – Washington’s Blog, a website that appears to take a highly critical view of the administration, insists that the Aug. 21 attack was a plot by the rebels with their Qatari and Saudi backers to get Washington to step in and do their fighting for them. […]

Why Did Terrorists Strike An Upscale Mall In Kenya? Kenyan officials said Saturday they had tightened security across the country in the wake of a terrorist attack that has underscored the challenges Kenya faces as it tries to rein in the Al Qaeda-linked Al Shabab group next door in Somalia. The attack on Nairobi‘s upscale Westgate shopping mall killed at least 39 people and wounded about […]

The Man With Pink Hair

By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN September 17, 2013 I was at a conference in Bern, Switzerland, last week and struggling with my column. News of Russia’s proposal for Syria to surrender its poison gas was just breaking and changing every hour, forcing me to rewrite my column every hour. To clear […]

International Day of Peace, 21 September

Epigraph: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”  Martin Luther King, Jr. “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.”  President Thomas Jefferson   United Nations General Assembly   International Day of Peace, 21 September Epigraph: “On this International Day […]