
How Saudi Arabia is pushing for war

CNN: GPS: When Secretary of State John Kerry met with his Saudi counterpart Prince Saud al-Faisal in Paris this week, he likely got an earful of complaints over Syria.  There was no public news conference after their meeting, which makes sense given that the Saudis often prefer that their sensitive consultations with […]

No ‘Qurbani’ for you: Police stop Ahmadis from ritual sacrificing in Lahore

ET: LAHORE: Lahore police stopped various members of the Ahmadi community in Lahore from slaughtering animals as part of ‘Qurbani’ ritual on Eidul Azha, proclaiming that the ritual of animal sacrifice was an Islamic injunction whereas Ahmadis were not Muslims. The Express Tribune learnt that police from the Islampura Police Station directed Tahir* in […]

No 'Qurbani' for you: Police stop Ahmadis from ritual sacrificing in Lahore

ET: LAHORE: Lahore police stopped various members of the Ahmadi community in Lahore from slaughtering animals as part of ‘Qurbani’ ritual on Eidul Azha, proclaiming that the ritual of animal sacrifice was an Islamic injunction whereas Ahmadis were not Muslims. The Express Tribune learnt that police from the Islampura Police Station directed Tahir* in […]