
Buried Alive.

Source: LUBP Perhaps this is the anguish the families feel doing their best to “survive” after ASWJ,LEJ and the Taliban have left them in a colorless world.Perhaps after reading this, we can empathize with such survivors.It is based on what I have been made to witness from childhood through adolescence […]

Swallowed by the Taliban

The Express Tribune: by Ayehsa Ijaz Khan – Contrary to many of my peers, I never felt as hopeless or dejected about Pakistan’s future as I did during the past election. Some were hopeful because they saw in the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) ‘a new political force’ that would take on […]

How to Tackle Terrorism in Pakistan

By Obaid Ullah Khan Tackling terrorism, and dealing with terrorists are two separate issues. On the latter our leadership is obscuring the matter, thus delaying the immediate actions. If the terrorists are not controlled, this could result in grave consequences. But if this object is somehow achieved (which is in fact not possible […]