Opinion: Diaspora Jews Are Hostages to Israel’s Behavior 

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The wailing wall in Jerusalem

Source: Haaretz

By Shimon Stein and Moshe Zimmerman

Diaspora Jews have learnt the hard way that, whatever their affiliation or politics, they become a punching bag for harsh critics of Israel’s actions, with incitement that slides into antisemitism. It’s time that Israel at least acknowledges this reality

During crises like the current war in Gaza, the issue of the relationship between Israel and the Diaspora re-emerges in full force, as massive anti-Israel demonstrations and soaring antisemitism span the globe.

Now, as before, the question arises: What are the boundaries, mutual responsibilities and repercussions of this relationship? And more urgently, for their identity and physical security, are Diaspora Jews effectively captives of Israel’s political and military conduct?

Already in Israel’s Declaration of Independence, the foundation was laid for the relationship between the State of Israel and the Jewish Diaspora: “Our call goes out to the Jewish people all over the world to rally to our side in the task of immigration and development, and to stand by us in the great struggle for the fulfillment of the dream of generations – the redemption of Israel.”

Meaning: the role of the Diaspora is to immigrate to Israel or to assist the State of Israel however they can. In exchange, the Diaspora gets to share in “the redemption of Israel,” whatever that may mean.

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Categories: Anti-Semitism, Judaism

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