A Catholic Prayer for Thanksgiving

Promoted post: We are all living in the Womb of God-the-Mother, 13.8 billion Years Pregnancy

Vatican City
A Thanksgiving Prayer
We thank you for the multitude of ways that you call us to steward the gifts of creation and to serve others in your name. God of all blessings, source of all life, giver of all grace:
We thank you for the gift of life:
for the breath that sustains life,
for the food of this earth that nurtures life,
for the life-giving love of family and friends. We thank you for the mystery of creation:
for the beauty of the Earth that the eye can see,
for the unfolding universe that draws us beyond our imaginings. 
We thank you for the communities to which we belong:
for families, for friends,
for neighbors and for companions at work. We thank you for the strangers who welcome us into their lives and whom we invite to be part of ours. 
We thank you for our brothers and sisters of all ages, all races, all nations and all faiths. 
We thank you for the multitude of ways that you call us to steward the gifts of creation and to serve others in your name. 
We thank you for this day, for the companionship we share and the bountiful goodness of the bread we break together. 
God of all goodness, we pray in thanks for your presence among us as we gather together, and your promise to be with us now and always.  AMEN. 
©The Catholic Health Association of the United States

Suggested reading for living in the image of the Loving and the Most Merciful God by Zia H Shah MD, Chief Editor of the Muslim Times:

Thirty Plus Quotes from the Poet of Love

We are all living in the Womb of God-the-Mother, 13.8 billion Years Pregnancy

Two Hundred Verses about Compassionate Living in the Quran

A Message of Compassion and Love from the Holy Bible

True Fasting: A Message of Compassion and Love from the Old Testament

Abou Ben Adhem, A Compassionate Man

‘Love Hormone,’ How it works in Hospitality?

‘Love Hormone’ Oxytocin May Enhance Feelings Of Spirituality

I am a Jew, a Catholic, a Christian and a Muslim; I am Zia H Shah

Abdul Sattar Edhi: No religion is higher than humanity

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