International Poll: Is God Necessary for Morality?

Source: Pew Research Center

People’s thoughts on whether belief in God is necessary to be moral vary by economic development, education and age


A map showing that majorities in emerging economies connect belief in God and morality
A mother and son pray at home during a live broadcast of an East Sunday service in Nairobi, Kenya. (Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP via Getty Images)
A mother and son pray at home during a live broadcast of an East Sunday service in Nairobi, Kenya. (Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP via Getty Images)

How we did this

What is the connection between belief in God and morality? And how important are God and prayer in people’s lives? Pew Research Center posed these questions to 38,426 people in 34 countries in 2019.

Across the 34 countries, which span six continents, a median of 45% say it is necessary to believe in God to be moral and have good values. But there are large regional variations in answers to this question.

People in the emerging economies included in this survey tend to be more religious and more likely to consider religion to be important in their lives, and they are also more likely than people in this survey who live in advanced economies to say that belief in God is necessary to be moral. Differences occur within countries as well. In general, people who are relatively nonreligious are more inclined than highly religious people in the same countries to say it is not necessary to believe in God to be a moral person.

A chart showing that many say religion is important and God plays an important role in their lives, less consensus on belief in God and morality

Despite variances in religious observance, a median of 62% across the countries surveyed say that religion plays an important role in their lives, while 61% agree that God plays an important role in their lives and 53% say the same about prayer. Since 1991, the share of people who say God is important to them has increased in Russia and Ukraine, while the opposite has occurred over the same time span in Western Europe.

In the eight Western European publics surveyed, a median of just 22% say belief in God is necessary to be moral, while in the six Eastern European nations studied, a median of 33% share the same view. Prior research establishes the European continent as increasingly secular on the whole, though among Europeans, there are notable differences between Eastern and Western countries in attitudes toward religion and religious minorities.

Read further

Suggested reading and viewing by Zia H Shah MD, Chief Editor of the Muslim Times

National Geographic Video: All Knowing, All Seeing God Keeps Us Away from Crime and Sin, See the Evidence

Morgan Freeman’s Video On Purpose of Life and Futility of Materialism

2 replies

  1. It seems that with more education and better economic stability, belief in God and prayers decreases. Risk and insecurity promote God.

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