Rejecting Asylum Claim, U.K. Quotes Bible to Say Christianity Is Not ‘Peaceful’

An Iranian national was refused asylum by Britain’s Home Office, which cited Bible verses about violence to argue that Christianity was not a “peaceful” religion.CreditFacundo Arrizabalaga/EPA, via Shutterstock

By Anna Schaverien

  • LONDON — Britain’s immigration department has been condemned for citing violent Bible passages as the basis to reject an asylum claim by an Iranian national who said he had converted to Christianity because it was a “peaceful” religion.

The Home Office — which is responsible for handling immigration, security and law and order — used verses from the books of Leviticus, Exodus and Revelation in an attempt to argue that Christianity was hardly “peaceful.” The asylum seeker’s application was denied on Tuesday, according to the man’s legal representative, who shared details on social media.

The case drew a rebuke from the Church of England, and immigration advocates denounced the decision as another example of the Home Office’s harsh methods.

The man, who has not been identified and had converted from Islam, filed the claim in 2016, the immigration caseworker and legal representative, Nathan Stevens, wrote on Twitter. It was not clear whether the man had made his conversion a basis for his claim.


Suggested reading

Defensive War in the Holy Quran in 600 Words

A Message of Compassion and Love from the Holy Bible

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