Pope assigns Vatican office to promote women’s participation

Source: Associated Press

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis on Tuesday assigned a Vatican office to concern itself with the role of women in the Catholic Church and their “equal dignity” — his latest effort to address longstanding complaints of women’s second-class status in the church.

Francis approved new statutes for the Vatican’s laity and family office, one of the big new departments he created as part of his reform of the Vatican bureaucracy. The original statutes made no specific mention of women.


The new ones say the office should contribute to a reflection “on the identity and mission of women in the church and in society, promoting their participation.”

Francis recently appointed three women as consultants for the Vatican doctrine office, the first time in its history. At Francis’ request, the Vatican’s commission for the Latin American church also dedicated its recent assembly to women, and proposed the Vatican convene a whole church meeting of bishops on women.

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Suggested reading by the Chief Editor of the Muslim Times

BBC Big Questions – Are Religions Unfair To Women?

Women Rights: Islam and the West

Ted Talk: The Best Leader for the Women Rights – President Jimmy Carter

Gender Equality in the Holy Qur’an – In the Beginning Man and Woman Were Equal

What Every Muslim, Christian and Jew needs to know: The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath

2 replies

  1. It’s high time for such change(s) in the Catholic church, including other churches who do not acknowledge women. The same applies to the Muslim sects, where women are equally invisible. Thanks to this Pope for his enlightened action, hopefully there will be more.

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