How Ziad Ahmad Itani fell into Mossad’s honey trap


Ziad Ahmad Itani performs on stage in Beirut in 2013 [AFP]
Ziad Ahmad Itani performs on stage in Beirut in 2013 [AFP]

Before he was arrested as a suspected Israeli spy, Ziad Ahmad Itani was a successful artist, journalist and playwright.

His personal and professional trajectory did not suggest that he would end up working for the Mossad, Israel’s notorious external spy agency.

While Itani’s case may be different, it is not isolated. He was arrested on November 24 and charged with spying for Israel on Lebanese journalists, intellectuals, and government ministers.

The Lebanese State’s Security, the official agency in charge of handling cases of espionage, confirmed the charges against Itani of working for Israel, which Lebanon considers an enemy state

The statement said that damning evidence was found in Itani’s Beirut apartment, including “drugs, four laptop computers, five cellphones that he stores the secret data in”.

The statement also said Itani has confessed to the charges.


Categories: Arab World, Asia, Israel, Lebanon

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