PAKISTAN: Original Khatam-e-Nabuwwat declaration restored as Elections (Amendment) Bill 2017 passed in NA

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – The National Assembly on Thursday unanimously approved revival of the 7-B and 7-C clauses of the amended election bill, relating to Khatam-e-Nabuwwat in their original forms.

The Elections (Amendment) Bill 2017 was presented by Law Minister Zahid Hamid and restored status of Ahmadiyya and Lahori groups as in the Constitution of Pakistan. Hamid said that the status of Qadiani or Lahori group will continue as non-Muslims, adding that if a person refuses to sign the declaration regarding finality of Prophethood (PBUH) then he will be deemed as non-Muslim and his vote will be expunged from the list for Muslim voters and be included in the non-Muslim list.

Any person can challenge the status of Muslim before the revising authority and in any such case, he or she is required to sign the declaration of finality of the Prophethood, he told.

Law minister clears his stance

He told his only concern was that to remove the 10-day limit to submit the declaration of Khatam-e-Nubuwwat, adding that the bill restored the clause in its original form. He said that both declaration have been made part of election act.

During address, the law minister said that before 2002 general elections, seats were increased and collective polls were approved. He clarified that the same status of Ahmadiyya and Lahori groups will be retained as in Constitution.

“I firmly believe in Khatam-e-Nubuwwat (finality of Prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH) and can’t even think against it,” he cleared, stressing that he was wrongly quoted in the matter. He told that he had to issue a video message for his constituency. He also said, “I and my family are ready to sacrifice our lives for the sanctity of Prophet (PBUH).”

While Zahid Hamid was clarifying his stance on the serious concern, Sheikh Rasheed chanted slogans against the government at which Speaker Ayaz Sadiq turned off his microphone. “We have not asked Law Minister Zahid Hamid to clarify the matter,” said Sheikh Rasheed.

He demanded of revealing the name of those who were responsible for the mistake, adding that no compromise can be made in the matter. He said that he recommendations of committee chaired by Raja Zafar-ul-Haq should be put forward in the assembly.

He clarified that the same status of Ahmadiyya and Lahori groups has been retained as in Constitution. Elections Bill 2017. Hamid had dismissed rumours pertaining to controversy about Finality of Prophethood (Khatam-e-Nabuwwat) which was created by Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed of Awami Muslim League during passage of the Election Bill 2017. Meanwhile, Islamabad High Court had directed the religious parties to call off their sit-in staged in Faizabad against government for their alleged move of omitting Khatam-e-Nabuwwat


2 replies

  1. In Pakistan anybody who says ‘ I declare that there is no God besides Allah and Mohammad (peace and blessings be on Him) is His Prophet ‘ is considered an Ahmadi-Muslim. To be a ‘mainstream’ Muslim in Pakistan you need in addition to sign the paper mentioned above. So? Who is adding things?

    • Progressive Muslim support Ahnadiyyah right to carry out their belief in Islam. Those who reject Human Right, they actually reject Allah and Prophet Muhammad pbuh.
      Allah will curse and punish them severely soon or later, like Allah punish Taliban and Isis.

      May Allah guide Pakistan leaders and clerics to rightpath of Islam Amin

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