Islamic Dream Interpretations: Seeing a Snake in a dream

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Dreaming 2

The Muslim Times has the best collection of articles on the theme of religion & science

Suggested Reading by Zia H Shah MD, Chief Editor of the Muslim Times:

Video: Laughter is the best cure for psychics

Neurobiology of Dreams and Revelation

Al Aleem: The Bestower of true dreams

The Nature of Revelation

True Nature of Divine Revelations

We Dream, Therefore God Is!

Incident – Walking Over Snakes — A man bought a farmland. One night, he saw his nephew in his farm walking over snakes. In the morning, he asked a dream interpreter about it, and the latter replied: “If your dream is true, the land you bought is fertile, and whatever you plant therein will come to life.” Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Incident – a bag filled with Snakes and Scorpions — A person related his dream to Ibn Sirin (RA) saying that he had seen himself carrying a bag filled with snakes and scorpions. The Imaam interpreted the dream saying that he had one something as to cause the wicked people to hate him. He said: “Yes, I have been appointed by the Sultan to collect taxes from the Arabs. This has caused them to hate me”. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Snake — Black snakes and pythons in a dream represent army generals. Water snakes in a dream represent money. If one sees his garden covered with snakes in a dream, it means that its trees will bear fruits and exceed the normal crop. A snake coming out of its hole in a dream represents a son. A snake leaving one’s house in a dream means its destruction or demolition. Killing a snake in a dream means marriage. Tapeworms or other intestinal worms in a dream represent one’s relatives and their children. Seeing snakes eating on one’s table in a dream means separation between friends. Desert snakes in a dream represent highway robbers. In general a snake or a serpent in a dream represent jealousy, envy, perfidy, swindling people’s properties, deceit and an avowed enmity. (Also see Belt; Sting) Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Snake — Killing a snake in a dream and staining one’s hands with its blood means destroying one’s enemy. A snake in one’s dream also represents a rich enemy, for its poison means money. If one sees snakes being killed in the streets in a dream, it means a war. A small snake in a dream represents a little child. Hunting snakes in a dream means tricking or deceiving one’s enemies. A black snake in a dream represents a strong enemy. A white snake in a dream represents a weak enemy. If one sees a snake talking to him and saying nice words to him in a dream, it means enjoying pleasant moments with one’s adversary, or benefiting at the hands of one’s enemy. If the snake talks harshly to him in a dream, it means suffering from tyranny and oppression caused by one’s enemy. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Snake — Becoming a snake in a dream means being contemptible against one’s own religion. Seeing oneself as a half-snake half-human in a dream means being able to neutralize half of the enemy’s power. Discovering a snake skin which is made from gold in a dream means that one will discover a hidden treasure. If a snake swallows someone in a dream, it means that he will reach a powerful position. If one sees a snake sitting over his head in a dream, it means that he will earn the respect of people in authority. A field which is covered with snakes in a dream represents a destructive rain. A snake with a horn in a dream represents a profitable business. Dream Interpreter: Ibn Sirin

Snake — (Boy; Contemptible person; Enemy; Hidden treasure; Idolatry; Innovators; Power; Unjust ruler; Woman) A snake in dream represents a person who lives in a valley. A snake in a dream also means enmity from one’s in-laws or children, or it could represent the evil and jealousy of one’s neighbor. A sleeping snake in a dream means a sleeping enemy. As for an unjust person, a water snake in a dream means receiving help, or it could represent a verdict. Owning a snake in a dream means gaining power and authority. Its flesh represents enemy money, or it could mean joy. If one sees himself wearing the skin of a snake in a dream, it means that he will unmask his enmity toward others.


Suggested Reading by Zia H Shah MD, Chief Editor of the Muslim Times:

Video: Laughter is the best cure for psychics

Neurobiology of Dreams and Revelation

Al Aleem: The Bestower of true dreams

The Nature of Revelation

True Nature of Divine Revelations

We Dream, Therefore God Is!

88 replies

  1. Last night my wife saw a big snake in suffering in front of her leg when she was sleeping. That snake was suffering in pain or something and rolling over one side & other side. What does that mean?? Please let me know.

    • I do not qualify as a ‘dream interpreter’, therefore I am more or less just guessing: as a snake’s most usual meaning is ‘enemy’ when the snake is weak or sick could mean that any possible enemy is weak = no danger. But, as I said, I am not really qualified in this matter. I would suggest to give Sadaqa and make dua … May Allah be our protector at all times.

      • Salamu Alaikum Father! My name is Aali Dawuda i m in here searching to find some horrible dream i sometimes face in my entire life in a dream. Alhamdullillai when i read about the dream interpretation i now understood about how dream twist the mind and searching for it meaning and Praying to Allah is the perfect solution in Your Deen.moreover i met your noble picture with a beautiful name and may accept our Deen hoping to tell You my problems i m facing oversea Africa regarding financial issues.InshAllah im a Muslim and i found You as Fellow Muslim,and Allah says,Tell your father mother family and your fellow Muslim your problem and if the that person is Mum min InshAllah my problems regarding my financial helper well be earn from that humble servant of Allah.MashAllah i knew Allah brought Me in here to meet with you and tell You My problem as my Daddy.InshAllah I well give You my number +233242757279 and i hope to here from You Noble Rafiq A. Tschannen..

      • Last night I saw a dream in which my father chatches a big snake and grab it in his legs and when he shows me the snake its face changes to my best frnds face N talks to me saying “u never asked me so I never told u ”
        Why could these mean ?

    • In my dream I see a small boy in a car and snake trying to swallow him before we come to the rescue of the small boy in that dream people kill this snake and cooking what does that mean. At the 1st time the owner of the car put the snack there before we move the car so when we park we leave the car and on our way coming back we noticed that the snake already wrapped the boy trying to swallow in before we call to rescue so in that dream also they try to tell me that the snake enjoyed the small boy I need to have no strength that isn’t the hospital

  2. I saw in my dream that there were few snakes in house , I caught one and gave it to my mom’s to throw but it slipped through her hand and fell on me but it didn’t harm me , one more snake went beneath my back when I was lying on bed……please tell me what does it mean?

  3. I dreamt that I was with one of my bestfriends and ( I can’t remember the dream very well ) at the end I killed a rabbit( but I think it as like a toy looking one ) and then the blood splashed and it was written with the blood “the end “

  4. I saw a dream
    3-4 snakes in front of my house door,they were joint together after some time one of snake separate and just rolling over,it seems he got some pain or problem and in the middle got swallowed,after cpl of rolls got normal,later on gave birth alot of small snakes,I called my son come and look at them,all were in a row,once I counted it was 11 in number,

  5. I saw a dream about a black snake who was killed and cute in 3 pices. at the begging there was a girl older woman more lik a scientist that was looking for this snake. she said the snake isn’t there where it was supposed to be, but over there and when she told us I saw that the snake was besides me. I was on a bus and looked down then I screamed of fear and saw that the long black snake was cutet in 3 pieces. This is my second dream of snake in the space of two weeks. Can u please help me find out the reason or the meaning of this dream.

  6. I wanted to ask you if you can interpret the meaning of my dream.
    Also that was the first day I had bath at late night (2:00AM), As, early morning I have to go out of station for my research work purpose, but I didn’t wake up at correct time. So I didn’t go.
    I usually Never gets dream but yesterday I got a dream that I climbed to the tree to overcome a danger happening on the ground(like army patroling). then a senior of me comes and ask why didn’t I come and threw stones on the patroling vehicle, I give him excuse that I got some injury on my leg,then I see that happened in reality. As I come back and see that in my right legs ankle there are few worms(grey colour of size 4 cm approx) I pulls one out, again one more,,then I can see another 2 I push it and takes out…
    After that I can see the larvae of the same worm’s (red in colour with 2 long barbels) inside. I catch there barbels and pulls it out.

    • I am sorry that actually I am not qualified to interpret this dream. Anyway, please give Sadaqat and make due … never wrong.

    • Of course Prophets could interpret dreams. Our learned people too our Khalifas too. In my correspondence I have many of my dreams interpreted by Khalifatul Masih IV.

  7. I saw a snake coming out if a jungle and landing on the bed where I was lying , my mom was praying and I got up and left the room !

  8. I saw a dream in which i was holding my child and taking the broken class of his hand with some blood with the help of my sister in law and there comes one cousin of mine putting a black snake in my goes off to another room and the cousin too in it closes the room.i call him out whilst the snake is still inside then i wake my another cousin for fajr salah.please could you tell me what is it

    • sorry that I am not a qualified dream interpreter. Please give ‘sadaqat’ and pray. There may be danger around, but the snake did not harm you, therefore Inshallah you will be ok. But, as I said, please pray and give sadaqat…

  9. I saw in my dream a snake. at first it was wrapped around my right hand, a thick and average size snake. i was screaming for my father for help. when he comes to rescue, the snake is under my skin of the right hand, slowly creeping forward. Father pulls it out, and the snake is thin, short and orange. What does that mean? anyone can tell me please.

    • Again I am sorry to say that I am not qualified as a dream interpreter. Anyone who might be, please respond. In any case: A snake may mean an enemy. The snake did not bite you therefore most likely you will be save from it. Please give Sadaqa and pray …

      • When I close my eye.. you know everything I’ll be black.. so I saw a snake please what does that really means

  10. I saw few snakes, yellowish/brownish , and a pink one. All of them tangled. I walked over them and they went inside my clothes, stick to my body. The pink one seemed to bite me and i grabbed it open his mouth, and place something in its mouth to block his mouth, the sankes struggles but i control it from the head and i consistently ask my friend to destroy the snake and while squeshing it head while i hold it, it still bite my fingers minorly. All the snakes are baby snakes. Only the pink bite me. Then i woke up. I read Aaozobillah and kalima, ayat ul kursi, and daroord sharif.
    What’s the meaning of all this, what should i be doing? What are the precautions?

    • you did right. give some sadaqat too. (sorry, I am not qualified to interpret your dream).

  11. I have a question, My wife had this dream last night. She dreamt that a “Snake that wasn’t big/Fat, but wasn’t skinny was on my (Right foot), now she went to grab the snake and move it away from me, but It wrapped itself around my leg”, the snake was “Green In color, It didn’t attack her, and she wasn’t afraid of it”, but the snake felt relaxed on my leg, In the dream she (Clearly sees me, and I’m peacefully sleeping and not bothered by It), now my question is what does this mean (As I searched high and low but no answer), also, why was she having such a dream about me?

  12. I have a question, My wife had this dream last night. She dreamt that a “Snake that wasn’t big/Fat, but wasn’t skinny was on my (Right foot), now she went to grab the snake and move it away from me, but It wrapped itself around my leg”, the snake was “Green In color, It didn’t attack her, and she wasn’t afraid of it”, but the snake felt relaxed on my leg, In the dream she (Clearly sees me, and I’m peacefully sleeping and not bothered by It), now my question is what does this mean (As I searched high and low but no answer), also, why was she having such a dream about me?

      • Assalamu alaikum,father,
        My wife had a dream that,so many little snakes evaded our house both in and outside,we had to run out,and she went for help,so a certain woman gave her a blue colored substance supposed to be the remedy. I am worried about this dream pls I need to know as soon as possible
        the meaning of this dream. Ma assalam.

      • I am sorry I am not really a qualified dream interpreter. Please go to and enter ‘snakes’.

        Small snakes should however not be such a big problem.

        Anyway, please give sadaqat and make duas… All best wishes.

  13. On 15th March 2019 this article received a ‘high hit’ of 464. What is happening that so many people dream of snakes these days? May Allah protect us all and guide us all!

    • Sorry, I am not really qualified to answer this (professionally). However, if snakes mean enemies small snakes mean small enemies and you kill them that would mean that you are victorious. In any case: give sadaqa and pray for Allah’s protection and blessings.

  14. Hi Sir,

    I saw too many snakes in my dreams they were Crawling on the sky. It is the second time that I have seen the same dream

    • Aswkm, I saw myself as a very big snake, other two snakes along with me but later one snake disappeared and we were suddenly at our own old house where i saw my mom preparing food in kitchen and in the room I as a snake bited the baby snake which was quite big too i bited his mouth and I was crying and loudly saying sorry to my mom for killing that snake. I was snake in my dream i saw dream around 8 o clock in the morning, kindly interprete this please

  15. I also saw a weird dream. I was at home with my cousin and she keep discovering dead snakes under bushes, at the back door,back yard etc etc. I was so shocked bout the discoverage. I remembered eating dead snake meat in my dream and feeling guilty, and so i ask my cousin to throw all these dead snakes away. She replied saying sth along the line “we shouldnt throw food, we didnt have anything to eat for several days” I remember watching the colourful dead snake’s skin, and just overall feeling uncomfortable with it in my dreams.

  16. Hey Rafiq,

    I am a Dream Interpreter and a Snake Dream Interpretation Expert.

    I see you have a great Article, but more is needed!

    If you want I can write a Guest Post for you on Snake Dream Interpretation.

    Hope for Positive Reply


    • Aswkm, I saw myself as a very big snake, other two snakes along with me but later one snake disappeared and we were suddenly at our own old house where i saw my mom preparing food in kitchen and in the room I as a snake bited the baby snake which was quite big too i bited his mouth and I was crying and loudly saying sorry to my mom for killing that snake. I was snake in my dream i saw dream around 8 o clock in the morning, kindly interprete this please

      Please help me 🙁

  17. Revealing Dreams of Scientists

    By Dr. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, Radiation Oncologist

    Imagine a world in which medicine lacks the sophistication of advanced chemical structures, tailors rely solely on their hands to fashion clothes, or space travel is simply a figment of our imagination. Had it not been for revelation through dreams, civilization today might still be centuries behind in its scientific and socioeconomic advancements. Throughout history, dreams are an integral part of the engine of discovery, leading to many breakthroughs that have advanced our
    world for the better.

    In order to better understand the impact of dreams on the advancement of scientific knowledge, it is first essential to define the types of knowledge that exist. First, there is the knowledge that is obtained through sense-perception is called posteriori or empirical knowledge. Second, rationalists believe that true knowledge can only be discovered a priori, or through deductive reasoning and logic, processes that are hardwired in the human brain and independent of sensory experience. “Both a priori knowledge, such as reason, intuition and logic, and a posteriori, or empirical knowledge, are necessary for man to construct an understanding of life and the universe. Mystical experience is necessary to reveal the inner nature of things while science is necessary for modern life.(1)

    As we uncover the essence of these two types of knowledge, it is apparent that beneath them lies the concept of revelation, which is defined as “A: an act of revealing or communicating divine truth. B:something that is revealed by God to humans.(2)” And in understanding the impact that revelation has on scientificc advancement, science itself is defined as the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. (1)

    In his masterpiece book, “Revelation, Rationality, Knowledge, and Truth,” Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, (rh) sheds light on the definition and nature of revelation and writes: “People who believe in revelation differ in their understanding of its nature.… If we widen the scope of our study, we observe that many authentic cases of revelation are also reported outside the domain of religion. For instance, there are many interesting cases of highly complex information conveyed through revelation to some scientists. (3)”

    Read the article further on page 39 and send us feedback: Muslim Sunrise Winter 2018 Volume.

    • see Sorry, it is difficult for us ordinary people to interpret all dreams. Just give sadaqa and pray to Allah. May be the dream is good, because green is a good color in a dream.

  18. salam, i have seen a big snake trying to eat me however I screamed for help my parents came and killed the snake and ate it. could anyone let me know what it means? thank you

      • Salam alaikum, last night I saw a dream, I saw a large snake so my sister caught it and opened its mouth tightly and I threw 2 pans of hot water into its mouth to kill it cuz it was only thing around us to hurt the snake, then the snake converted into a little kid, my sister tight the legs, hands and mouth of the kid because we thought the kid would hurt us, after awhile I was taking care of the kid and I was loving it then a man was following me and the kid trying to get the little kid but I didn’t let him to take the kid from me

  19. I saw some snakes in kitchen and later one comes to bite me and it bites my finger . i grabbed that snake by my right hand and kicked off the other snakes with my leg. Anyone has an explanation for this?

  20. Tabeer online The meaning of a dream is stronger when seen at dawn, or during an afternoon nap, or when fruits are ripening on their trees, or at the time of harvest, or when one’s star is in the riding position, or at a time when one is intending to sign a business contract,

  21. All my dreams seem to either looking for something or someone, but never finds islamic interpretation or complete in the search.
    I been keeping a dream journal . I’m just wanting to know how I can change this.

  22. aslam o’alikum i have a dream that comes several times a year. The dream started when I moved to Sweden which was almost 12 years ago. My dream has the same act but different place sometimes I am my first house in Sweden, my sister’s house or a weird place I have never been.
    My dream is about one or more people are after my life, sometimes two are chasing me and sometimes it is the whole city is after me. They want to kill me but I never get hurt but every time I get away they always seem to find me wherever I hide they find me in somehow. They are many who chase me I’ve have seen their face and there are some I know very well who are one of them who want to kill me. But there is someone who sent them to me but I can not see his / her face there was one time i saw the person who is after me but I could only see from his / hers shoe up to the knees.
    Long story short lastnight my dream was very different. I was at a party with people I have never seen even in my dream I did not know them but I remember i was a strange house. The party was boring we all sat and watched each other but then all of a sudden someone from the room come out and start screaming after my name the person asked for me and no one knew what my name was. I knew it was the same person who was always chasing me so I started to panic I start telling people run he / she will kill me. I turned around once I see many people lying dead and many injured. It was cold I had to look for my jacket while I was looking for my jacket the person keeps murder the people. It was dark in the room my jacket was lying on the couch and there were lots of jackets lying there, I took one jacket that was not mine. The kille was really close to me so I had to run. I saw bus far away a bus that all the kids from the party run to. It was in the middle of nowhere i did’t see cars. I keep running and the killer was chasing me. I was worried that i did not have a bus card because the jacket was not mine. I remember I start saying God I beg you i hope this girl has a bus card then i checked my pocket,i found bus cards I said allahhamdullah I rode the bus. When the bus started to ride we saw many young girls walking into the house. Because they
    arrived late to the party i.
    I realy want know what this dream menas it have to mean something because it is season dream. Every time i dream about this dream it scared hell out me. Please if u can Explain what this dream menas pleas do it.

  23. I see Snakes attacking me in in Two two formation, i continuously killing them with my shoe heal, but they keep on coming, two after two. I also have a pistol in my hand and firing with it, thereafter, i while thinking why are they not halting their continuous attack… then i wake up.

  24. Salaam wr wb,

    Dear Br. Rafiq,

    I appreciate that you may not be qualified to interpret dreams but I will ask for your or anyone else’s sincere suggestions anyway inshaAllah .

    In the night ,just now, I had a dream(/nightmare) and I woke up just after it – prayed two rakah prayers and read Audhobillah and listened to Ruqyah/Healing on you tube Surah Fateha ,Ayat al Kursi etc

    IN THE DREAM: I was basically laying in bed asleep (with my wife), then as I awoke there was a quite big yellow watery fleshy snake on my chest.
    My wife was very frightened and ran down the stairs towards the garden door. And the snake went downstairs too – I only saw it reach near the bottom of the stairs. I was a little bit confused/scared when I got up from the bed, but then I started laughing because it was a big yellow gooey snake like a tasty jelly sweet snake or a toy snake. I then came down the stairs.
    Then my dad came into the house through the front door holding my daughter and said something like ‘be careful, 90 people have died’.



    If I was still in the dream I would have like to eaten and/or killed the snake.

    I have done this once in a dream/vision before and I believe that it was a good sign that Shaytaan is a very week enemy in the aakhirah and that so many of my sins and the ummah’s sins were being forgiven. I was eating a juicy and crispy piece of a dead cooked and delicious black (HALAL!) snake with red dots like it was a hot dog and I was sharing it with another sister. And later she was sleeping/lying down near where the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is resting and I prayed that she will visit Makkah and Madinah inshaAllah.That was the first time that I had a dream with a snake in it. This same night, I saw a vision/dream of the noor and body Prophet Muhammad (SAW) , Hazrat Umar (RA) and Hazrat Abu Bakr as Siddiq (RA) in a big lake mashaALLAH.

    This dream was the second time I have had a dream of a snake

    After praying two rakah and asking Allah to give it a good meaning,
    here is my own interpretation from some basic reading and analysing my dad’s comment within the dream.

    I will start with my dad’s comment first: I went online and it said that today, approximately 90 people died from the Coronavirus that has spread in parts of China – this is what Allah guided me to and I was correct.

    But also my dad was warning me to be careful to not take the matter of snakes lightly and to kill it or overpower if even it presents even a little bit of real imminent danger.

    Also , what I just realise as I share this with you is that my father entered the house of my wife with our daughter and left the front door open which felt really nice for many reasons.

    Because in real life,I am going through a very difficult time. I am living with my parents at the moment and my wife is by herself with my kids ( and her family come and stay with her) and I do not know what the future holds for us.

    My wife moved out from the family home a long time ago and I was meant to be with her but we have had many fights/arguments in the past and I have been living near to her but in my parents’ home for more than two years. I am currently doing istikharah to see whether we should be together or not. We are going through times where we are not sure if we will ever be able to get back together because of the really bad fights we have had in the five years of marrriage.

    But now , I am really trying to start a teaching career in which is what I have always wanted to do and I am praying to Allah SWT to fulfil the Qadr to bring us together and make us stronger than even before (after 5years plus of the biggest difficulties), but I know that it will take a lot of time and a LOT of patience because everyone is very very upset with me – my family and her family. I have been constanly pleading to my wife that I need 3years to reach a point of stability before I could properly become the true husband and father figure of the household.

    But the most amazing thing that I realised is that my father who is not currently talking to me or my wife because of our actions and behaviour/fights/arguments and my father who has never accepted invitation to where my wife is living – he was walking into the house through the front door with nice light coming from outside and he was holding our daughter.

    Also , he was holding and protecting my little daughter as if to show my wife that he still loves her very much like a daughter and not to be afraid of the snake as he is there whenever she needs him.

    I wasn’t sure what happened to the snake, it may have disappeared into thin air, but I think my dad may have left the door open so that if the snake wanted to then it could peacefully leave. I didn’t see it leave though. It says a ‘snake leaving a home’ could means ‘destruction’, so that is quite worrying, but because I am not sure what it did I shouldn’t be worried and I shouldn’t negatively speculate. It is equally or more plausible that if Allah gives me the choice then I have already killed it and we enjoyed the meat that Allah SWT has made HALAL for us in the dream, just like the wine of jannah for example.

    Also if the snake did swallow my wife, there is an interpretation that a snake eating someone is a good sign of wealth and I know that my wife’s family and my family also are really supporting her financially. But slowly I hope to do the same too. Also, if the snake was going to swallow her, I had already cut it’s tail and so she would have gone and got a new piece of rich clothing on her which she could now put her feet through and wear as a garment like an abayah – i would like for my wife to continue to wear more modest clothing even if she does not wear hijaab at this moment or any other time in her life.
    The snake skin seemed to be a beautiful yellow/golden leather material suitable for a long elegant and modest dress.

    I am very pleased that while I was typing my dream to you , I realised what my father entering the house meant! Alhumdulillah.

    As for my wife , I am very upset with the myself lack of role in the husband and wife relationship that I have failed to show responsibility for up until now.
    My main problem has been a very lacklustre career. Since one year I have been successfully undertaking my teacher training and I have every yaqeen that Allah will honour me in this profession until the day that I retire/die inshaAllah.

    I just need du’ah that I can keep my marriage – but it is a case of whatever Allah wills , not necessarily what I will for. I can only strive to do my role as a provider for the household for the future and pray that it is not too late, because my wife and I seem to be on the brink of final and permanent separation.

    As, I said though my dear Brother , if you or anybody else would like to add their opinions or expertise , they are more than welcome to do so .

    JazakAllah khair for the post and to all the previous commenters too.
    The idea of me writing this ‘JOURNAL’ has immensely helpedP

    Also, very good that you remind people to give sadaqah/charity to avoid calamity.

    Once again , thank you and God bless you for your efforts, Ameen.

    • Thanks a lot for your comments. NO : I AM NOT A QUALIFIED DREAM INTERPRETER ! I just try to facilitate the topic. Inshallah your own interpretation may be quite ok. We pray for a peaceful conclusion to your present dilemma.!

  25. My wife dreamed of a snake attacking her everyday when she was pregnant with my first child. Why did she dream of that everyday?

  26. In the dream : I saw that there were two many snakes all over the area and everyone was raning from it. I also got scared at first ,they were of different colors but when I started walking over them then they started to convert into flowers I don’t understand what does it means ?

    • I am not a qualified dream interpreter. But: snakes are enemies and flowers are beneficial. So enemies turn into friends? Please give sadaqa and pray to Allah that this dream may be beneficial I would say … (in my unprofessional capacity).

  27. Salam!
    I just need an expert to interpret the dream I have seen last night 13th October 2020, as I am going through some critical situations and conditions in my life I need to know the accurate meaning of dream only if someone can interpret.
    so I usually don’t remember dreams but when I do it’s out of something.
    last night I saw a dream where I saw a snake and a small child, the snake was scaring that small child and I was saying to someone that this snake will not leave that child alive( i was standing too close to that snake and saying that this snake is so beautiful how did it come here) I don’t know the place where we were but after a glimpse, the child was gone I was unaware what happened to the child and the snake was dead in front of me. I don’t know how can I relate this to reality. kindly advise.

    • Sorry, I am not a qualified dream interpreter. (May be some one else can help?).

      Just: Small child, what sex was it? the meaning is different if it was a girl or a boy (if you know).

      Anyway: The snake was dead therefore the danger should have passed.

      Please give Sadaqa and pray !!!

  28. Aslam, my mother saw that snakes coming towards my room from windows and doors. Please interpretate it.

  29. Salaam i dreamt i was surounded by snakes in a room and there was a baby, jus for one of the snakes to bite the baby ? Not sure what it means

  30. As salam alaikum few days back my wife saw in her dream 2 big snake playing and yesterday she saw again baby snake playing in her chest please reply me

  31. Salamualaukum!
    Please help me to find the interpretation of my dream
    I saw my neighbor Removing her sleepers, laying course of affliction upon me and sending snake to bite me aggressively because I told her sister I will like to marry any first daughter.
    And at the point I rebuke her and dulge the snake she sent from biting me.

  32. Asc I saw my nephew my friends baby girl sending her to the talking snake I went and grab the baby and run ..but the snake chased me and started crushing my throat..I said audhubillah minashaytani Rajim and I woke up

  33. I see a man with 2 big snake in shoulder and lot of small snake in the field what it’s mean.

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