Saudi Arabia to vet use of Prophet’s sayings to counter extremism

Source: Reuters

RIYADH (Reuters) – Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam, is to monitor interpretations of the Prophet Mohammad’s teachings to prevent them being used to justify violence or terrorism, the Culture and Information Ministry has said.

In a decree, King Salman ordered the establishment of an authority to scrutinize uses of the “hadith” – accounts of the sayings, actions or habits of the Prophet that are used by preachers and jurists to support teachings and edicts on all aspects of life.

The ministry said late on Tuesday that the body’s aim would be to “eliminate fake and extremist texts and any texts that contradict the teachings of Islam and justify the committing of crimes, murders and terrorist acts”.

The body will be based in Medina and overseen by a council of senior Islamic scholars from around the world, according to the decree. The ministry offered no specific details of how it would work in practice.

1 reply

  1. ===Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam, is to monitor interpretations of the Prophet Mohammad’s teachings to prevent them being used to justify violence or terrorism, the Culture and Information Ministry has said.===

    The best way to eliminate Extremist ideology is to REWRITE the book of Hadith, First of all, Islamic clerics have to remove all violent Hadith such as:
    Punish and kill infedel, apostate, blasphemer, gay lesbian
    And some Ancient Islamic laws.

    May Allah guide Saudi Arabia leaders and clerics to the true path of Islam amiin
    Hopefully Saudi Arabia except different interpretation if Islam and except the existing Ahmadiyyah and Shiah.’
    On the top of that Saudi has to obey HUMAN RIGHT AND WIMENS RIGHT.

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