J.K. Rowling Condemns Anti-Muslim Hate After Attack On London Mosque-Goers

Source: Huffington Post

“Let’s talk about how the #FinsburyPark terrorist was radicalised.”


J.K. Rowling wrote the (children’s fantasy) book about the damage caused by sowing hate toward outsiders and division, so it’s no surprise she’s disgusted by anti-Muslim rhetoric.

In a horrific van attack on a crowd leaving a mosque in London’s Finsbury Park neighborhood late Sunday night, several people were injured and one man, who had reportedly become ill before the attack began, was left dead. Witnesses said a white, middle-aged man steered the van into a group of people who had been attending Ramadan services at the mosque. The man reportedly exited the van and shouted “I want to kill all Muslims” before being detained by bystanders.

British Prime Minister Theresa May has already described the event as an act of terrorism that targeted the Muslim community. In a statement, she urged British citizens to turn to unity.

But recent months have seen a rise in anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric across Western nations, including the U.K. Rowling was quick to comment on the vitriol toward Islam that preceded the attack ― and the framing of the Finsbury Park incident in The Daily Mail.

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