A Sikh man builds a mosque for his lifelong Muslim friend because he had nowhere to pray

Source: Online Peeps

In an immaculate motion of mankind, Sikhs from of a little town of Sarwapur, Punjab build a mosque for the Muslim occupants.

Joga Singh, an affluent agriculturist town was troubled that the Muslims living in this area needed to travel out just about 10 kms to pray in a mosque.

Prior, there was a mosque in the town, yet was devastated amid mobs.

Communicating appreciation towards Singh, a Muslim resident Mohammad Jameel said, “If our Sikh siblings did not approach, we could have never got a mosque in our town.


Suggested reading

Muhammad: A Messiah for Our Time, By Khushwant Singh

Khushwant Singh: An apologist for Muhammad

Two Hundred Verses about Compassionate Living in the Quran



5 replies

  1. It is a good work. According to the saying of the prophet Muhammad s.a.w.s. “Any one who will build a mosque, Allah will give him a high place in heavens” [words are only near enough]
    I am sure, if Muslims will pray in that mosque, do good deeds and spread peace, they will benefit and the Sikh friend will also be blessed by Allah.
    It is the duty of the Muslims of that area to be peaceful and spread peace, goodwill all around.

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