Ahmadiyya Muslim Community acquired more than 400 mosques in 2014

Splendid progress for Islam Ahmadiyya in 2014; added 576,330 new converts, 401 new mosques

Source: Ahmadiyya Times

576,330 souls have joined the folds of Islam Ahmadiyya during 2014 and the Ahmadiyya Muslin Community has completed the translations of the Holy Quran in two more language with the new count now standing at 74 world languages.

The progress of the community was presented on the 2nd day of the 49th Ahmadiyya Muslim Annual Convention in Alton, UK, where over 30,000 attendees have gathered this weekend making this event the largest Muslim convention in Europe.

The Khalifa of Islam and the spiritual head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat (His Holiness) Mirza Masroor Ahmad, addressed the convention in the afternoon session, informing the community about the splendid successes experienced during the previous year.

His Holiness announced that Porto Rico has joined the long list of nations where Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is now formally established, bringing the current total number of countries or independent jurisdictions to 207.

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