Is ‘Face–ism’ Spoiling Your Life?

Source: BBC

Your face can be your fortune or your downfall – and it’s not just a question of beauty. Others may be unconsciously judging your features in ways you don’t realise, says David Robson.

Imagine you grew up with a non-identical twin. You have the same upbringing, the same IQ, the same education, the same interests. Both of you are equally gregarious, equally adventurous, equally interesting. You both work out at the same gym, and eat the same food.

Spiritually and mentally, you are doppelgangers.  There’s just one small difference: your faces. Maybe one of you has the kind of wide-eyed, childlike features of a bush baby. Maybe the other has stronger cheekbones and a more rugged (some might say Neanderthal) brow.

Over the years, how do you think your lives would play out? Would you follow the same routes in life, or would the subtle differences in your appearance help send you on alternative paths?

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Categories: Psychology