‘Teachings of the Holy Prophet(sa) to Prevent Future Slavery’

Review of Religions: Teaching of the Holy Prophetsa to Prevent Future Slavery

Now we take up the second question in this discussion, which relates to the fundamental teaching given by the Holy Prophetsa regarding the issue of slavery. In other words, putting the question of existing slaves to one side, what fundamental injunctions did the Holy Prophetsa put forth regarding the issue of slavery in the future and on the question of making slaves? Since our previous discussion has become much lengthier than we had estimated, for this reason, we shall present our subsequent discussion very briefly. Hence, in this respect, first and foremost, it should be known that this discussion is actually divided into two parts: firstly, the question of ‘real slavery’, whereby a free individual is completely and permanently deprived of his legal right to freedom. This method of taking slaves relates to such practices aside from taking captives after a religious war. In other words, the many cruel practices of taking slaves, which were more or less customary in all countries of the world during the era of the Holy Prophetsa; and secondly, the question of taking captives following a religious war, which in light of Islamic teaching, can be termed as a kind of ‘pseudo slavery’.[1]

First we take up a discussion on the first part. In this regard, therefore, it should be known that just as an indication has been made in the previous discussion, Islam immediately and categorically abolished real slavery, i.e., those cruel practices of slavery, which were aside from taking captives in religious wars. However, before we present any specific and explicit Islamic injunctions in this respect, we wish to present two defensive arguments before our readers. The first argument is that irrespective of the fact that in principle, Islam strictly forbids a course of tyranny and oppression, and is a very staunch supporter of human freedom and equality, and that all of these things are horizons apart from a practice of real slavery; the lucid and emphatic teaching which Islam has given with respect to the benevolent and equal treatment of existing slaves and their freedom, and an outline of which has been presented above, is sufficient evidence to substantiate that Islam could not possibly support the cruel practice of slavery. On the one hand it has been mandated that slaves should be considered as brothers, kept as members of the household and their education and moral training should be especially facilitated. Then, as their state begins to improve and they become capable of living a free life, they should continue to be set free. Therefore, common sense cannot accept that in the presence of this doctrine, Islam could also teach that it is lawful to completely deprive a free person of his legal right to freedom and take him as a real slave. These two teachings are poles apart and can never coexist as part of a single person’s teaching. Hence, if one contemplates, in actuality, the teaching that has been outlined in the exposition above is sufficient to substantiate that Islam has not endorsed real slavery.


Categories: ISLAM

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