Can Islam Be Reformed?

Source: Conservative Papers.

Islam currently represents a backward, aggressive, and violent force. Must it remain this way, or can it be reformed and become moderate, modern, and good-neighborly? Can Islamic authorities formulate an understanding of their religion that grants full rights to women and non-Muslims as well as freedom of conscience to Muslims, that accepts the basic principles of modern finance and jurisprudence, and that does not seek to impose Sharia law or establish a caliphate?

A growing body of analysts believe that no, the Muslim faith cannot do these things, that these features are inherent to Islam and immutably part of its makeup. Asked if she agrees with my formulation that “radical Islam is the problem, but moderate Islam is the solution,” the writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali replied, “He’s wrong. Sorry about that.” She and I stand in the same trench, fighting for the same goals and against the same opponents, but we disagree on this vital point.

My argument has two parts. First, the essentialist position of many analysts is wrong; and second, a reformed Islam can emerge.


Categories: Americas

1 reply

  1. Though article has been written in detail but missed the core point. According to the prophecies of prophet Muhammad (saw) time was predicted when Islam will be only in papers. People will be Muslims just by name and not by deeds. The scholars of Islam will be worst creature on earth. In this scenario will appear the Imam Mahdi who will revive and reform the Islam in its true spirit and teachings. A period almost 1400 years after the death of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was prophesied for the advent of Imam Mahdi. Accordingly at predicted time Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian (AS) claimed to be the promised Imam Mahdi and reformer. Founded Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to represent the true Islam. 125 years have passed to the appearance of this Imam Mahdi. His reformed and true Islam has caused revival of this religion. Almost whole world now has recognized the Islam Ahmadiyya Community is presenting as moderate and acceptable. Current supreme head of the Community recently presented the true picture of Islam in Capitol Hill, European and in UK parliament. However the Islamic world which has rejected this Imam appointed by the God Almighty is the main problem. The day Muslim Emma will accept this Imam all the objections raised against Islam will vanish. Unfortunately and very sadly the writer of the article also missed to mention this Imam appointed by God. As long Muslim will refute this prophesied Imam will remain in confusion and no measure will be able to revive the true teachings of Islam. So the only option accept the Imam Mahdi and enjoy the real beautiful teachings of Islam.

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