Ahmadi mosque vandal stands trial in Bandung

The Jakarta Post, Bandung

Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) member Muhammad Asep Abdurahman, aka Utep, on Thursday began his trial at the Bandung District Court following his accusation on the destruction of an Ahmadiyah mosque.

State Prosecutor Agus Mujoko said that Utep had been charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code on assault and Article 335 on offensive behavior. Violation of the articles, if proven, could result in a maximum of 5-year prison term.

Agus said that Utep had demanded the Ahmadis not to celebrate Idul Adha, Islamic day of sacrifice, in their mosque An Nasir in October last year.

“Do you want another deadly incident like Cikeusik?” Agus reiterated Utep’s threat. The threat referred to a deadly attack on Ahmadis in Cikeusik, Bogor, which killed three Ahmadis.

The Ahmadis refused to heed Utep’s demands and said that they would keep performing ied prayer and slaughtering animals during Idul Adha.



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