Survivors Recount Violence in Cikeusik

Ahmad Masihuddin, Irwan and Bebi are the lucky ones. Ahmad recalls the moment when a man attempted to mutilate his genitals, while Irwan has developed an intense fear of water. Bebi cannot speak, due to a dislocated jaw, and must eat through a straw. Despite the fear of reprisals, two […]

The Ethics of flying while Muslim

A few days after U.S. Navy SEALs assassinated Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan, a Delta connection flight pulled away from the gate at Memphis International Airport in Tennessee. The Atlantic Southeast Airlines (ASA) passenger jet, bound for Charlotte, North Carolina, never made it to the runway. While taxiing, the […]

Islam at war with itself

Christopher Hitchens should have been a little more focused in “turning to the facts” to counter Noam Chomsky. Osama bin Laden declared war on the U.S. in 1996 because U.S. troops, at the invitation of the Saudi government, were stationed in Saudi Arabia after the First Gulf War. That is […]

Intelligent Design? PRESIDENT George W. Bush favours teaching both evolution and “Intelligent Design” in schools, “so people can know what the debate is about.” To proponents, Intelligent Design is the notion that the universe is too complex to have developed without a nudge from a higher power than evolution or natural […]

Two drone strikes kill 12 in North Waziristan

  MIRANSHAH: Two US drone strikes targeting a militant compound and a vehicle in the North Waziristan tribal agency killed at least a dozen militants on Monday, officials said. The attacks came days after a warning from Parliament that Islamabad would withdraw transit facility for Nato supplies if the US […]

Data Recovered From Air France Recorders

PARIS — French accident investigators said Monday that they had succeeded in downloading all of the flight data and cockpit conversations from the so-called black boxes of an Air France jet that crashed two years ago in the Atlantic Ocean — a critical breakthrough that could finally resolve the mystery behind […]

Human Rights, Education and Islam

Since times immemorial, man has, at the hand of man, been suffering all kinds of miseries and cruelties; his rights have been violated; he has become alienated from his own species. Today, most of the evils humanity is confronted with are rooted in the violation and deprivation of human rights. […]

King highlights US’ pivotal role in peace process

AMMAN (JT) – His Majesty King Abdullah on Monday underlined America’s pivotal role in the peace process and the region, stressing that despite the current regional developments, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict will remain the region’s core issue. Speaking to the press in Washington, DC, ahead of his meeting with US Secretary […]

Pope Benedict orders action on sex abuse

Pope Benedict has told bishops around the world to promptly report all suspected cases of sexual abuse of minors by Catholic priests to local police in new guidelines he has issued. Set out in a letter, the guidelines are the latest effort to eradicate child sex abuse in the Roman […]