444. Commandment – O ye who believe! you also should invoke blessings on him and salute him with the salutation of peace

444. Commandment – O ye who believe! you also should invoke blessings on him and salute him with the salutation of peace [33:57] Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. O ye who believe! you also should invoke blessings on him and salute him with the salutation of peace. [37:80] ‘Peace be upon Noah among the […]

The Machines Are Coming

Source: NY Times CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — THE machine hums along, quietly scanning the slides, generating Pap smear diagnostics, just the way a college-educated, well-compensated lab technician might. A robot with emotion-detection software interviews visitors to the United States at the border. In field tests, this eerily named “embodied avatar […]