Revelation, Precognition, ESP and Scriptures?

Written and collected by Zia H Shah MD

Charlie Tart the first interviewee in the episode 1507 above makes perfect sense to me.

Charles T. Tart (born 1937) is an American psychologist and parapsychologist known for his psychological work on the nature of consciousness (particularly altered states of consciousness), as one of the founders of the field of transpersonal psychology, and for his research in parapsychology.[1]

As well as a laboratory researcher, Tart has been a student of the Japanese martial art of Aikido (in which he holds a black belt), of meditation, of Gurdjieff‘s work, of Buddhism, and of other psychological and spiritual growth disciplines. Tart believes that the evidence of the paranormal is bringing science and spirit together. His primary goal is to build bridges between the scientific and spiritual communities, and to help bring about a refinement and integration of Western and Eastern approaches for knowing the world and for personal and social growth.

In his 1986 book Waking Up, he introduced the phrase “consensus trance” to the lexicon. Tart likened normal waking consciousness to hypnotic trance. He discussed how each of us is from birth inducted to the trance of the society around us. Tart noted both similarities and differences between hypnotic trance induction and consensus trance induction. He emphasized the enormous and pervasive power of parents, teachers, religious leaders, political figures, and others to compel induction. Referring to the work of Gurdjieff and others he outlines a path to awakening based upon self-observation.

John Hicks is interviewed around minute 18. He makes a very clear and profound statement that if telepathy is real then it is very bad news for the physicalists or the materialists, who believe in metaphysical materialism.

John Harwood Hick (20 January 1922 – 9 February 2012) was a philosopher of religion and theologian born in England who taught in the United States for the larger part of his career. In philosophical theology, he made contributions in the areas of theodicyeschatology, and Christology, and in the philosophy of religion he contributed to the areas of epistemology of religion and religious pluralism.[3]

How a Single True Revelation Defeats Materialism or Physicalism

Written and collected by Zia H Shah MD, Chief Editor of the Muslim Times If God exists strict materialism or physicalism is not true. What is a true dream? If the content […]

Now, I will share articles to suggest that sometimes scientists, mathematicians and others have received very convincing revelations from the All Knowing:

Al Aleem: The Bestower of true dreams

Revealing Dreams of Scientists

Movie: Ramanujan: A Prophet of Mathematics Born in a Hindu Family

Periodic Table in Chemistry was Revealed in a Dream

But, when we begin to explore such difficult subjects we end up with the inevitable next question, do jinns and demons exist and here I become a devout believer in standard understanding of science:

Video: Are There Things Not Material? Do Jinns or Demons Exist

My gift to 1.8 billion Muslims this Ramadan: A better understanding of the Quran

Categories: Bible, Exorcism, Quran, Revelation

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