It started with a mock ‘slave trade’ and a school resolution against racism. Now a war over critical race theory is tearing this small town apart.

People walk along East Front Street in downtown Traverse City, Mich., on July 13. (Brittany Greeson/for The Washington Post). The Muslim Times has the best collection of articles to refute racism

Source: Washington Post

By Hannah Natanson July 24, 2021 at 6:00 a.m. EDT7.2k

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. — Nevaeh Wharton was busy with homework one evening in late April when her phone pinged with a warning. A friend had texted to say something disgusting was happening in a private Snapchat group chat.

When the 16-year-old woke the next morning, another message was waiting for her: She had been discussed in the group. Pretty soon the whole story trickled out. A group of mostly White students attending two of Traverse City’s high schools, including Nevaeh’s, had held a mock slave auction on the social media app, “trading” their Black peers for money.

“I know how much I was sold for: one hundred dollars,” said Nevaeh, who is half-Black. “And in the end I was given away for free” — to the friend who first warned her about the group.

The Snapchat group, titled “slave trade,” also saw a student share the messages “all blacks should die” and “let’s start another holocaust,” according to screenshots obtained by The Washington Post. It spurred the fast-tracking of a school equity resolution that condemned racism and vowed Traverse City Area Public Schools would better educate its overwhelmingly White student body and teaching staff on how to live in a diverse country.

Read further

Suggested reading

To Refute the Hate-mongering of White Supremacists I visited Martin Luther King’s Memorial

Categories: Racism

1 reply

  1. I don’t understand all the fuss. Just teach history, just teach the truth. Is that so difficult?

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