Interfaith Leaders Encourage People to Support Covid-19 Vaccination Program

This article has been aired on with the title Diy Interfaith Figures Invite People to Support the Covid-19 Vaccination Program,

Author: Hari Susmayanti
Editor: Hari Susmayanti

TRIBUNJOGJA.COM, YOGYA – A number of interfaith religious leaders and academics who are members of the Indonesian Bela Community invite all Indonesians to support the government’s steps in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.

Citizens must support the government’s Covid-19 handling programs so that the pandemic can end soon.

One of them supports the government’s program in implementing Covid-19 vaccination.

Interfaith figures who are members of the Indonesian Martial Arts Community include Father Vikep AR Yudono Suwondo, Pr, Rev. Indrianto PGI, Maulana Murtiono Yusuf Mubalig Ahmadiyah, Nur Sauda Alarifa, M.Sc academics from UNU Yogyakarta and Syuriah PWNU DIY Beny Susanto.

Bela Indonesia Community Coordinator Beni Susanto said that since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, many people do not believe about the virus.

more Tokoh Lintas Iman DIY Ajak Masyarakat Dukung Program Vaksinasi Covid-19 – Tribun Jogja (

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