A Ramadan TV show, hosted by a rabbi, is cementing Jewish-Muslim ties

thirty faces of Islam

Source: Arab News

    • Rabbi Marc Schneier is educating Jewish Americans about Islam and Ramadan with a special TV series
    • Founded 31 years ago, Schneier’s Foundation for Ethnic Understanding has offices and contacts in 35 countries

CHICAGO: For the past 20 years, Marc Schneier, an American rabbi, has been building “bridges of understanding” between Jews and Muslims, an activity that has recently become the latest focus in interfaith dialogue.

He has carried out this vital work through his organization, The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding.

Schneier, who has established strong ties with like-minded people in the Arab Gulf, is now trying to educate people about the meaning and importance of Ramadan.

He is doing this by hosting a special TV series, entitled “30 Faces of Islam for the 30 Days,” on the Jewish Broadcasting Service (JBS) and the foundation’s social media.

The new series highlights the positive impact of Muslims globally by featuring a Muslim luminary in politics, religion, arts and culture and sports.

The objective is to educate the Jewish community and the public about Islam and the significance of Ramadan.

“There is a lot of ignorance about Ramadan during this sacred and holy season for Muslims. There is little understanding on the different traditions, rituals and precepts of Ramadan,” Schneier said in an interview with Arab News via video call.

“So, we decided to reach out to our global network.

“Muslim luminaries from politics, media, entertainment and culture teach and sensitize us to this important and sacred season for our Muslim brothers and sisters.”

Schneier’s message is reaching a large audience. A non-profit educational channel, JBS is America’s largest Jewish TV network, broadcasting to more than 49 million cable subscribers.

He said the “30 Faces of Islam for the 30 Days” program is being produced with the goal of reaching not just the Jewish community but the foundation’s diverse network.

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Dr. Zia H Shah, Chief Editor of the Muslim Times

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