Israel could halt intelligence cooperation with UK if Jeremy Corbyn wins election, Benjamin Netanyahu suggests


UK politician Jeremy Corbyn.  Suggested reading: Why Did Muhammad Fly to Jerusalem? and Why Did Muhammad Fly to Jerusalem?

Source: Telegraph

Benjamin Netanyahu has suggested Israel may halt its intelligence cooperation with the UK if Jeremy Corbyn becomes prime minister and carries out his pledge to impose an arms embargo on Israel.

Israel has become one of Britain’s most important intelligence partners after the US, but the Israeli prime minister indicated that security relationship would be damaged under a Corbyn premiership.

During a visit to London in September, The Telegraph asked Mr Netanyahu whether security cooperation could continue if Mr Corbyn follows through on his promises to stop arms sales to Israel and to recognise a Palestinian state. “What do you think?” Mr Netanyahu said.

The Israeli leader refused to elaborate…

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BBC Video: The Big Questions: Is anti-Zionism anti-Semitic

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