The ‘Green Pound’ of Muslim spending could save the British economy after Brexit

Turkey Modest Fashion

Models wear creations by Monika Jufry during the International Modest Fashion Week, in Istanbul, Friday, May 13, 2016. Turkeyís first International Modest Fashion Week has opened in Istanbul bringing designers and models of conservative wear from around the world. The two-day event kicked off Friday with models hitting the runway at a historic train station donning a bright palette of breezy garment and kaleidoscopic headscarves. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)

Source: The Independent Voices

Global Muslim spending on clothing is forecast to reach $361 billion by 2023 – and Britain could be the base for a large slice of that

By Hassan Mawji; @hmawji

Everyone’s heard the gloomy projections about British business after Brexit: as the UK prepares to crash out of the European Union’s cosy trade arrangement with no deal in place, the economy is bracing itself for an economic hit.

As an entrepreneur, I have heeded the warnings, even though I believe the economic fears are being greatly exaggerated. But there are also some businesses that I believe will be protected from the economic hit –businesses whose customers, like mine, are primarily Muslim.

London, where I work, is the most welcoming place for Muslims in the Western world, far more tolerant than both mainland Europe and North America. Even as some speculate about Britain’s lurch to the right, Muslims and other minorities occupy some of the highest offices of state and most visible political positions. This is not the case anywhere else in the West, making the UK a natural home for us.

I am an entrepreneur specialising in modest fashion. In many ways this is a young industry, but it has been millennia in the making. Many of the world’s oldest traditions cherish the values of modesty amongst both genders but the fashion industry – promoted by faith-based evangelists from Muslim, Jewish and other communities, but also by unlikely supporters such as the pop star Billie Eilish, who prefers to dress in loose clothing – is going mainstream.

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