A wakeup call for Muslims

Source: ET

The Muslim moment of truth has arrived. One cannot forget the day of March 15 this year when more than 50 Muslim worshipers praying in two mosques of Christchurch, New Zealand were a victim of mayhem and carnage unleashed by white supremacists who openly call for expelling Muslims from the Christian West. If the Muslim community, whether living in the Christian, Jewish, Hindu or Buddhist world, has been singled out and reminded by the right-wing ultra-nationalist groups that they are responsible for violence and terrorism and they are not wanted, it means the absence of a counter-narrative dispelling the propaganda unleashed particularly after 9/11 against the Muslims.

All in the name of religion and race is a reality whether it is persecution, humiliation, occupation, genocide, violence and terrorism. A wake-up call for the Muslims is the need of the hour with growing intolerance, racism and xenophobia.


Categories: Asia, ISLAM, Pakistan

1 reply

  1. Its an excellent analysis covering all important aspects for the deplorable condition of Islamic world. However the author has to pay attention to the fact what was prophesied by the prophet (saw) of Islam in this regard. A time will come when Muslims and their religious leaders will be the worst creature on this planet. By name they will be Muslims while their deeds will be worst in nature. Reason, as pointed out by author, setting aside the real teachings of Islam. We all are witnessing this reality. However here million dollar question arises who is going to lead this great umma to put it back on the real Islamic Teachings track. No Muslim worldly leader currently available has this stature and nothing is visible in pipe line also. Suggestions in the article can open eyes of Muslims but without a concrete solution in the absence of a real Muslim leadership.

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