Children are getting stabbed to death on our streets – we can do more to tackle these senseless tragedies

Jayden Moodie was a black child and, because of this, on social media and in the press, the words ‘gang-related’ have been scattered about with abandon – without evidence, and without giving his family a moment to grieve

Shappi Khorsandi
The Independent Voices

There are certain news stories involving the suffering of strangers that hit you hard, and it’s tricky to know where to put those feelings so that you can get on with your day. After all, awful tragedy and cruelty happens every day, all over the world, and to beat your breast and howl every time is impractical.

Some, though, stay with me and I long for a rewind button to undo a family’s agony. Lee Pomeroy’s murder soon after Christmas was a horror that I still haven’t been able to get out of my mind.

Lee Pomeroy was stabbed on a train, by a stranger, as he travelled home with his teenage son. Absolutely heartbreaking. Senseless. That poor lad. Whatever happened and whatever was said between the two men, the fact that there are people bouncing on and off buses and trains, or wandering into the supermarket with knives in their pockets willing to end a life over some nonsense or other is chilling


Categories: The Muslim Times

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