The face of the humanitarian crisis in Yemen has died – let that be a wake-up call to us all

The death of Amal Hussain, the seven-year-old girl who opened so many eyes to the horrors of the war in Yemen, should serve as a reminder of the urgency of holding the British government accountable for their part in the crisis

Amina Atiq

The Independent Voices

The name “Amal Hussain” will haunt us for the rest of our lives. Only a week ago the portrait of the gaunt seven-year-old “drew an impassioned response from readers”. Days later, we’ve been confronted with the devastating news that she has died. But I can’t help but question whether there was any use in that emotional response, because in the end, it did not do anything to save Amal.

The first time I saw that moving picture of Amal, I did not take in the fact that she was clutching at her own skin, that she had her right cheek turned away from the camera, as if to suggest that she was no longer able to face the world that chose to ignore her.

The first time I saw her, I dared not stare into her eyes, nor did I pick up on the intense pain on her face, exhausted from the constant constant vomiting and diarrhoea her tiny body had to endure.

more:  and video report:


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