The niqab debate is really about gender equality, and allowing women to make their own choices


What non-Muslim people think about hijabs, burqas, and niqabs should hold absolutely no weight in deciding if they are sold in shops or not ( Getty ).  

Source: Letter to Independent

The disconnect between understanding faith and understanding culture is bizarre in this country. Many seem to be under the impression that this is still a “Christian country” despite less than one million of our 65 million-strong population attending church services as of January 2016. There are dozens of different faiths in Britain and a hundred different ways to live by each of those faiths. As such, not all Jewish women cut off their hair, not all Christian women wear “modest attire”, and not all Muslim women wear coverings.

It’s true that there are some countries in which women are shamed for not being covered, but this is not one of them. The shame comes from those countries’ culture, not religion, and shouldn’t be attributed to Islam. If two Christians approached you and one was disgusted by your immodest clothes and another complimented your style, would you attribute either of those comments to their religion, their culture or their upbringing?

Read further

muslim women hijab

The Muslim Times has the best collection promoting modest dressing and Hijab rather than Niqab or Burqa and highlighting women rights

9 replies

  1. The veil is not a degrading or a hindrance for a woman in any way. On the contrary, it honors her and frees her from the obstacles that prevent her moral and spiritual advancement and thus it is the means of her deliverance from the sufferings and ills that she faces in modern day societies. The Head scarf Is a Sort of “Screen” between the chaste Muslim woman and the evil that exists in the world. In reality it embodies the Mercy of God on women.

  2. This issue has come up frequently recently. I would say that the reason for the head covering (I’ll not refer to the face covering here), has various purposes. Whilst there are some for whom it is a religious symbol, for many others it has become a fashion statement based on the Muslim religious tradition. Yesterday I saw a woman, dressed quite fashionably with a hijab, but she was wearing heavy artificial eyelashes and eyebrows, which seem to have become quite popular. Many young women wear heavy makeup, which is more appropriate for the stage. There is nothing modest or religious about that. But whilst so much focus is on the Muslim dress, in fact Orthodox Jews and Christians also wear head dressings of some sort or other, in one Jewish group the women wear wigs. Similar headdress was the norm in the Christian world until more recent times, later hats became more popular, and it was usual to wear some head covering when entering a church. But times have changed and head coverings are now worn mainly to protect against the weather. Modesty does not depend on hiding the hair, but rather on overall behaviour. I don’t like vulgarity in any way.

  3. Isolationism is not a mark of true believer . A true believer is expected to mingle with the society that he / she lives in there by imparting and expressing his / her goodness and belief ( Tawheed and it’s manifestation.). Niqab is a self imposed prison. It is a symbol of withdrawal from society at large and an admission of isolation. If she wants to wear it at home it is her choice.

    Looking at objectively , as part of her privacy , as it is assumed , a Muslim women wants to conceal herself by wearing a niqab . Fine, her wish may be considered admirable by some . However, it is the society’s right as well as responsibility to identify her as such in public places . And face being the ” singular ” point of identity of an individual , wearing niqab is a hindrance.In this case thetre is a conflict of interest and Society’s interest need to prevail .

    Certain personal choices will have to be consistant with society’s norms . Society cannot sacrifice its right to identify , know, and interact with all it’s fellow members. Wearing niqab mostly is a hindrance to that creative process which is the basic ingredient to the development and progress of a dynamic society.

  4. Wearing the veil or any head covering is not forced upon any women and it is completely her choice. Wearing it allows women to be more comfortable and I do not believe that anyone should think that it is a hindrance especially when we should be understanding and open to ones choices and faith. No women should have to change her faith and choices just to make sure she will “fit” into society norms rather the society should be open minded and understanding to her choices. Wearing it allows one to be much more comfortable and again it is a choice she made just like someone may make the choice of wearing a hoodie everyday, no one is going to ask that person to take it off because it’s their choice and they are happily living their life not bothering anyone. Western society has a notion that Islam has imposed a heavy restriction on all women to wear a veil and are forced but that is the opposite of what is true because it is completely the women’s choice.

  5. Islam has always give the choice to the women and empowered them. So the question of oppression should be posed to fanatics and to idiots not to the true religion of Islam. Hijab provides protection, confidence, equality, instilling purity while encouraging one to push boundaries and new limits and walk with the head held high.

  6. It is a tradition that predates Islam, was the norm in the Abrahamic religion, adopted by Christians and then Muslims. It is not true that it is always the woman’s choice, many are duty-bound by family and community to wear these garments, and for many it is a form of repression. On the other hand the Hiqab and other clothing seems to have become a fashion/identity statement by many younger Muslim women, often with the addition of heavy make-up, which is hardly anything to do with religion or modesty.

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