A new Israeli law is making this fiercely loyal sect question what it has fought for

2Source: The Washington Post

September 1

 At a military cemetery lined by conifers on the wooded slopes of Israel’s Mount Carmel, Safwan Marich walks beside the graves of local soldiers killed in active service for Israel.

“Look at these people,” said the retired officer. “Why did they fight? For whom? For their nation?”

“Now,” he continued, “the government is saying: ‘No, you didn’t die for your nation. It’s not your nation.’ ”

Marich and the slain soldiers interred here are members of Israel’s minority Druze community, known for its fierce dedication to the Israeli state and service in the armed forces. Hundreds have paid the ultimate price for Israel, but now their sacrifices feel hollow, Marich said, because of Israel’s new nation-state law.

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