Pakistan: Is Imran Khan up to the prime minister’s job?

Former cricketing superstar is poised to become Pakistan’s next prime minister, despite allegations of election fraud.


He says it is a new Pakistan.

Imran Khan is pledging to help the poor, talk to the Taliban and try to end the decades of dispute over Kashmir.

The former World Cup-winning cricket captain is set to be Pakistan’s new prime minister, following Wednesday’s general election.

His Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party (PTI) won the most seats, but not enough to form a majority government – so a coalition cabinet is expected.

He has defeated mainstream parties who have long ruled Pakistan.

The ruling PML-N party of Nawaz Sharif conceded defeat but is disputing the result, along with opposition groups.

They say the vote was rigged. And they are threatening to call for nationwide protests if the demands for an election re-run are not met.

Khan has promised to investigate the vote-rigging allegations – and has other major challenges ahead.
Can he deliver?


Presenter: Mohammed Jamjoom


Naveed Ahmad – investigative journalist, former correspondent, GEO News in Pakistan

Parvez Mir – former cricketer-turned-TV host

Saleem Awan – PTI party member

Source: Al Jazeera News


6 replies

  1. Well, there are many articles asking this question. I say: Why don’t you wait and see. No doubt the task is huge and let’s give Imran Khan the chance and not criticize him ‘in advance’.

  2. Personally I would like him, or any Pakistani PM for that matter, to try and get the best possible relations with Iran, Afghanistan and Turkey, first of all …yes, and India too.

  3. I think the first time everyone get the benefit of the doubt. But the second time, we should all know better. But the people of Pakistan, usually don’t know better, they are the definition of insanity, repeating the same act expecting different results. But let’s see, what change this government brings.

  4. At the time Pakistan really need an honest and loyal Government. No doubt Imran Khan seems to be honest and but people (politicians)with him in Government are not different, they are the same people.
    Now the time will show that how Imran will face this challenge and how he’ll get success to put them on right path.
    May Allah save Pakistan…..”Pakistan Zinda Baad”

  5. We have to realize that every leaders who win the election cannot satisfy every groups in society— forsure, even Trump too— but Allah has a good plan to His people— we trust on God plan, we accept who is a winner— if we are a loser we have to contemplate what is wrong in our side— why Allah did not HELP us even we pray many times to Him, NO guarantee your prayer or your faith—must be something wrong—

    Allah say in Al Quran— if you are the RIGHT PATH of Allah— He guarantee thousand angels help us.

    “I will help you with a thousand of the angels each behind the other (following one another) in succession.” Q.8:9.

    A good Exampke: Malala Yousafzai was recieved Allah’s HELP to protect Malala 9 years old fromTaliban’s persecution who want to kill a young girl who want to get a good education as boys.

    “I will help you with a thousand of the angels each behind the other (following one another) in succession.” (9)

    Let see— is Imran Khan honest leaders? We do not know yet— if we see Imran Khan was not good leader in the pass, may Allah change his mind for the sake because of Pakistan majority—

    What we can do now is pray to Allah and keep doing good deeds.

    All love ❤️

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