Nicaraguan priest says church is being persecuted during government crackdown

Source: Washington Post

From the rectory where he lives in the Nicaraguan capital of Managua, the Rev. Raul Zamora had been hearing gunfire from a distance for months. On July 13, the gunfire came to him as he sheltered dozens of student protesters inside his church.

WP2JDAUPS4I6RAZCWVECX5PA6UHe had made six trips to the front lines at the university where paramilitaries loyal to the government were firing on protesters, protected only by his clerical garb and a church flag that he carried, to bring out the wounded and other students.

Zamora ushered them to safety in the Church of the Divine Mercy. But it only attracted the well-armed paramilitaries to them for a siege that lasted well into the night. It ended only after two students were killed, and senior Catholic clergy negotiated the release of the surviving students.

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