Dead Sea Scroll fragment unveiled in Israel may point to an unknown manuscript

Source: Times of Israel

Previously unseen Dead Sea Scroll fragments, which had been stored in cigar boxes since archaeologists unearthed them in the 1950s, were identified and unveiled at an international conference on Tuesday in honor of the 70th anniversary of the scrolls’ discovery in Jerusalem.The tiny fragments, all thought to be taken from Qumran’s Cave 11, are game changers and provide new puzzle pieces towards completing the picture of known published scrolls, experts said.

Roughly only 1.5 cm x 1 cm in size, the fragments were presented at a day of academic sessions held at the Israel Museum as part of the week-long symposium, “The Dead Sea Scrolls at Seventy: ‘Clear a Path in the Wilderness,” sponsored by the Israel Antiquity Authority, the Hebrew University’s Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the University of Vienna and New York University, and the Israel Museum.

Emblematic of the ongoing innovative scholarship in the field of Dead Sea Scrolls research, the hitherto overlooked fragments, newly researched as part of an IAA pilot project, were identified using the latest technological advances of the Dead Sea Scrolls Unit, headed by Pnina Shor.


1 reply

  1. Interesting article and comments. All commentors are testifying what is written in Holy Quran. Once all amicably deciphered will verify following amazing claims:
    1. Jesus Christ died natural death at the age of 120 years after having accomplished his mission of finding the last tribes of Jews and gave them the message o God.
    2. Tomb of Jesus Christ is in Srinagar Kashmir India where he migrated and later died.
    3. Jesus Christ neither preached concept of trinity nor deliverance from sin.
    Please write these above points and honest interpretation will verify all above claims which have been made by the awaited promised Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the founder of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. More details are available on Ahmadiyya official web site

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