Magnitude 6.3 earthquake shakes Turkey’s west coast

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake shakes Turkey's west coast

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck near Turkey’s western coast, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute said Monday. The earthquake reportedly took place at 3:31 PM local time.

Turkey’s Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) said the epicenter of the earthquake was off the coast of the Karaburun district of western Izmir province, adding that the earthquake was magnitude 6.2.

The European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) put the magnitude of the earthquake at 6.3, with the latter saying that the earthquake took place at the Aegean Sea, 11 kilometers south of the Greek town of Plomari in Lesbos.

AFAD stated that there were at least sixteen aftershocks, with the largest ones measuring in at magnitude 4.0, 4.5 and 4.9.

Source: USGS

Source: USGS

The earthquake was strongly felt in Turkey’s western Izmir, Çanakkale and Balıkesir provinces. Many people in Istanbul and Bursa provinces also took to the social media to report the earthquake. Residents who panicked following the earthquake ran to the streets.

Speaking to Turkish media outlets, Izmir governor, Izmir metropolitan mayor, Karaburun district governor and Karaburun mayor have all confirmed that no casualties took place in the earthquake


Categories: Turkey, Turks

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