This Powerful Photo Series Is Showing What It Is Like To Be Black And Muslim In The US

Source: BuzzFeed News

Meet Bobby Rogers, a 24-year-old visual artist from Minneapolis.

Bobby Rogers

He created a photo series inspired by the hashtag #BeingBlackAndMuslim. The hashtag has been used by black Muslims across the world to voice their struggles of being a double minority, and first became a space for people to share their experiences during Black History Month in 2014.

It took Rogers two months to put together the Being Black and Muslim photo series and he is planning to make it an ongoing project.

Bobby Rogers

Rogers said he first came across the hashtag in early 2016 and again in 2017. He said, “While reading the tweets the second time around, I felt the stories being told were extraordinarily powerful and relatable. And being an extremely visual person, I wanted to put faces to everything I was reading.”

He said he had an urge to photograph the stories he was seeing: “I wanted to humanize one of the most influential communities in the world, … one of the most marginalized communities.”

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